Hide and Seek

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The house shook as his laughter broke in.

I sat there clutching the phone in my hand, listening to my heartbeat.

He took slow, cautious steps towards me.

His boots clinked against the floor erupting goosebumps all over my skin.

He squatted down to my height leaving a few centimetres distance in between.

A strong smell of alcohol and fetid coming off of him.

He just sat there for a moment staring at me.

The street lights casting their dim yellow light left a vague illumination.

As my eyes slowly started adjusting to the light, I saw the animalistic hunger burning in his eyes, he licked his lips sticking his tongue out.

He was hungry.

As a predator drools in hunger seeing its pray, he drooled.

He drooled for my blood.

I felt the presence of more people by the door.

He stood up in his full length again aiming his gun at me it made a crack sound as he loaded the gun.

This is it; this is the ending.

Surprisingly the gun aimed at the middle of my forehead didn't scare me at all rather it powered me with a rush of sudden courageousness.


The thick foreign accent descending his lips.

"Why?" Trying to wet my dry mouth I murmured again.

"Why did you kill my father?"

"Because he deserved it." His emotionless voice roared.

How easy it was for them to say these things and prove their words through their action as if it is the most natural, most normal thing to do.

As if tearing down a container made of flesh and blood and life means nothing.

Ending a life, staining your hand in blood was as same as ripping off a piece of paper or breaking down a piece of glass.

He came forward, the cold metal touching my skin.

"It's a game of hide and seek, you hide and we seek." his stinky breath fanning against my face.

"Turns out your father is really good at this game, but no so good that he can fool us." that evil grin returning back to his face.

Cold laughter erupted from the doorway.

"Some delusional bastards like your father think that they can win, but the truth is, it's our game princess, we play because we know we'll win."

"It was fun with your father, as long as it lasted, and now it's your turn."

"Any last wish?" he smirked cocking his head sideways.

I closed my eyes shut, holding my breath,

A loud bang roared shaking me, a wet substance hitting my face.

I open my eyes to see my father's murderer fall down to my knees in a thud, immediately forming a pool of red around him.

I stood there failing to grasp the intensity of the situation as more gunshots continued to fire ripping off the silence of the night.

Calmness slowly took place over the house again as if nothing happened, but the three-corpses lying in front of me soaking the floor in their hot blood was still prominent.

The yellow light flickered back washing off the darkness.

"You okay Ms. Wilson?"

I turned around towards the door to see the man from the morning, Lorenzo, holding his gun up. Two more men stood inside the room.

I nodded, too bemused to answer him in words.

He guided me outside the room and I plopped down on the chair.

A few days ago, murder, death and guns words like these were scattered over the pages of the book or the reels of cinema, and now within 48 hours these words flipped my world upside down, taking the only two person I loved the most, my only remaining family away from me, and now I am sitting in my house with three dead bodies lying on my next room, one of them being the murderer of my father.

The sight of the blood didn't make me want to throw up or run away or succumb in fear.

Sitting here now all I can think about is his words.

What did he meant by playing hide and seek?

What were you hiding from me papa?

What is it that you had to pay the price off with your life?

"All clear."

"Ms. Wilson, I know you are going through a hard time right now but I hope you understand how serious the situation is, it is better if you move in some place safe for some time. Mr. Harvey has ordered to escort you to his place until the situation gets better."

It took me a few minutes to process his words.

I looked back at him,

"I'm sorry but I am not quite sure what do you mean by that."

Lorenzo picked up the brown envelope from the morning and passed it to me.

"Mr. Wilson had appointed Mr. Harvey as your legal guardian if anything has to happen to him. According to the will until you become 21 and able to take care of your personal and financial needs you will be his responsibility."

I take a look at the paper and fold it back in. I was unsure of what to feel bemused? Hurt? Angry?

"Look, I am not going anywhere, I am not leaving my home. Yesterday I came back to see my father dead and today I find out that he has appointed someone as my guardian whom I don't even know the name of neither I have seen or heard about him from my father, and now you, a total stranger come up to me shooting all these people down telling me that I have to move in this person's house, I mean do you even hear yourself?
That's absolutely ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense."

I took a breath bursting my words out.

"Lorenzo, thank you for all the help, thank you for saving my life, I really appreciate that but I am not going anywhere. And as far as the current conditions are concerned, I'll call the police and ask for their help."

"Look we don't have enormous time in our hand to sit down and convince you to come with us with our little pep talk. We are here to follow our order and if we fail to bring you with us, we'll be in the same position as them, so why don't you just cut the crap and come along." a man in a black leather jacket came forward.

His thick voice came out "You are coming with us be it with consent or without."

I was about to protest when a sharp object pierced in my neck.

I turned around to see Lorenzo with a guilty expression plastered on his face.

"I am sorry Ms. Wilson."

The corner of my eyes burned wanting to spill the tears.

The smiling face of Papa came into vision as my body went numb in an instant, pulling me in a deep exigency of sleep.

A/N :

• Do let me know your thoughts and support me with your likes and comments. It means a lot to me.

• I hope all of you are doing great!! Stay healthy and take care of yourself.
Have a good day/night!!

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