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"8.....9.....and 10..... Ready or not?"

Adhara looked around the almost deserted park not sure where to hide.

Noticing the slide she quickly hid behind it, hugging her keens close to her as a giggle escaped her mouth.

"I know where you are..... You are behind that big tree aren't you? Or is it behind that bench?"

Adhara giggled every time her father guessed the wrong place.

"I am coming to get you."

Adhara peeked from behind the slide. She only found two kids from earlier playing with a ball as their mother sat in front of the bench.

No one else was there a silent wind passed by.

Missing her father from the sight Adhara's heart skipped a beat, a sudden anxiety washing over her.

She slowly came out from behind the slide walking towards the tree where her Papa stood a few minutes earlier.

The dry leaves cracked beneath her feet making a rustling sound.

A lump quickly forming in her throat, her eyes burned to spill the tears.

Like a sudden gust of wind bouncing the brown leaves on its way, Adhara was suddenly swung up in the air dangling her feet, her heart dropped.

"Got ya"

Mr. Wilson adjusted her in his lap making her face him.

Seeing the familiar, warm face all the fear washed off her face.

She quickly hugged him burying her face in his shoulder.

The silver droplets quickly soaked up in his t-shirt remained unnoticed.

"Okay now it's your turn."

Mr. Wilson gently placed both of Adhara's tiny soft palm above her eyes.

"No peeking"

She heard her taking steps backwards crackling the leaves on his way.

Adhara waited patiently counting till 10.

She removed her hands to find herself standing alone in the middle of the park.

The two kids and the mother was gone.

Adhara noticed the bright blue sky was getting darker, quickly filling the sky with gray clouds.


Adhara quickly started her search, behind the slide, the trees, the bench. There was no trace of him.

The innocent grin washing off of her face slowly.

The swings continue to swung on it's own.

Adhara felt like the world surrounding her was suddenly getting smaller, squishing her in the process.


An eerie feeling quickly crawled up behind her neck making her hairs stand.

She quickly ran out of the park searching for him.

The sky not letting a single beam of white escape through it, the deserted roads looked like no one has ever walked down this path.

Adhara increased her pace calling her father, searching his familiar face in a suddenly changing unknown surrounding.

Light Years ApartWhere stories live. Discover now