*- chapter twenty-nine-*

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t's Friday, and tonight's my date with Finn, so I'm pretty excited. Though I still have to go into work today, but I finish at three so thats gives me plenty of time to get ready at home.

Currently, I'm sitting at my desk, just answering calls and scheduling meetings. I don't have much to do today, and I'm actually glad for the breather. Lately, my thoughts haven't been consumed by worries about my mom or the money issues. I've been having a good couple of days, and I'm looking forward to tonight.

"Hey Mae, can you give these to Scott?" Jasper says, handing me the papers.

"hey jasper and Of course," I reply, accepting the papers with a nod.

getting up from my desk i smooth out my skirt, i walk down the hallway, and make my way to Scott's office, a sense of purpose guiding my steps. With a light tap on the door, I announce my presence before waiting patiently for him to respond.

"Come in!" Scott's voice calls out from the other side, prompting me to push the door open and step inside.

He glances up from his desk, a welcoming smile spreading across his face as he sets aside the papers he was reviewing. "Hey, Maeve, what's up?" he greets me, his tone warm and friendly.

Smiling up at him, yes up at him why are all the people around me so fucking tall , jasper told me to hand these to you" I hand over the file. He grabs it from me, but before turning away, he hesitates, his expression shifting to one of curiosity. I tilt my head slightly, waiting for him to speak.

"Yes, Scott?" I prompt, wondering what's on his mind.

"You wouldn't by chance be going on a date tonight?" Scott's tone is casual, but there's a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"I am? How'd you know?" I ask, genuinely surprised.

He lets out a laugh and mutters, "Oh my god." I wait for him to calm down a bit before pressing for an explanation.

"So..." I begin, still feeling a bit puzzled.

"Finn's a mate of mine, I just didn't expect the girl he was into was, well, you," Scott explains.

"Why?" I ask, feeling like one of those kids who just learned how to ask questions.

"no, don't worry about that, but Wow, what a small world," Scott remarks, his surprise evident. "Anyway, let's go. I need to talk to Jasper about this," he adds, shaking the folder to emphasize what "this" is.


Walking back to Jasper's office, "so where are you going tonight?" he askes, i take second to answer "oh im not quite sure, i mean he sent me the name and address but i've actually never been there" pulling out my phone i show him the message. "oooo this place is fancy" he says while looking at my phone.

"wait like fancy fancy, or like casual fancy. am i wearing the right clothes. i was planning on wearing this but with a different top. should i wear a dress" i ramble out while looking down at my clothes

"trust me sunshine you look beautiful, what you are wearing is fine" he said with a smile. returning the smile."thank you scott". we've returned to my i take a seat at my desk, and I return to work, while Scott walks into Jasper's office. A little while later, Scott emerges from Jasper's office and heads back to his own but before so he gives me a wink and a wave.

~~~~~~~~~~~jaspers pov~~~~~~~~~~

my office door swings open. Not even bothering to look up, I mutter out, "What do you want?" hoping it's Scott. "how dare you speak to me like that" scott lets out a overdramatic gasp

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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