The Wife of This Rude, Brainless...

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Tav helped her father load up the horse wagon. Preserved jars of different creature's body parts, scripts, and analytical charts filled the storage boxes. Her father was on his way to a fair in a town nearby to share his studies. He convinced her that he could do this journey himself.

As Tav watched her father prepare for the journey, a mix of pride and concern welled up within her. He spoke of his dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the arcane, but the skepticism of the town lingered in her mind.

"Father, are you sure you should go alone? The townsfolk can be quite harsh, and I don't want them to take advantage of your kindness," Tav expressed her worry.

Her father chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "My dear, I've faced skepticism and doubt throughout my career. This fair is an opportunity to share the wonders we've discovered. Besides, I have faith in the value of my studies."

Tav nodded reluctantly, realizing her father's determination to continue his work despite the challenges. She helped secure the last of the jars in the wagon, making sure everything was in place for the journey.

"Take care, Father. And don't hesitate to send for me if you need anything," Tav said, hugging him.

Her father smiled warmly, "I'll be fine, Tav. Focus on your own adventures and pursuits."

With a final farewell, Tav watched as the horse-drawn wagon rolled away, carrying her father and his studies toward the neighboring town. The dust settled, and Tav felt a sense of solitude settle over her. The responsibilities of supporting her father's work and addressing the town's skepticism weighed on her shoulders.

As Tav entered her home, a wave of comfort washed over her. The familiar surroundings provided a sense of solace, temporarily easing the burden she felt. The cozy interior of her house enveloped her, offering respite from the external pressures. Tav decided to take a moment for herself, allowing the silence to settle in. She strolled through the rooms, admiring her cat sleeping on the sofa.

Just as she was settling in, there was a knock on the door. Surprised, Tav opened it to find a man named Gaddis standing there. His eyes gleamed with an unusual enthusiasm as he greeted her.

"Good day, Tav! I've been meaning to talk to you," Gaddis said with a smile. He was wearing a regal dark blue outfit.

Tav, still processing her thoughts responded cautiously, "Hello, Gaddis. What brings you here?"

Gaddis, seemingly oblivious to Tav's desire for peace, took a step forward. "Have you thought about your future?" Gaddis stepped into her home, making himself comfortable at the dinner table without acknowledgment.

"Yes, I have-"

"I can help you with your future dreams." Gaddis rested his feet on the dinner table.

Tav scoffed, "What do you know about my dreams?"

"Let's get married, you can raise the kids while I go work. I'll treat you right to a break now and then. But of course, you'll have to massage me as well. Oh, and maybe cook." He smiled at her, "My point is, I'm in love with you. Marry me."

She wasn't surprised by the confession, this was the third time he had proposed, once at her work and once at the library. She gently declined, "Gaddis, I appreciate your admiration, but I'm not looking for marriage right now. I have my own pursuits and responsibilities to tend to."

Undeterred, Gaddis persisted, "I can provide for you, Tav. I can rock your world every night!"

Tav, maintaining her composure, kindly refused, "Gaddis, I value my independence and have a path of my own. I'm not ready for such commitments."

Gaddis, seemingly unfazed by Tav's rejection, continued to press his case. "Tav, my dear, you don't realize the opportunities you're passing up. A woman of your grace and beauty deserves a life of luxury. Imagine the wealth and status we could attain together."

Growing increasingly frustrated, Tav firmly stated, "Gaddis, my answer is no. I appreciate your feelings, but I have no intention of altering my course for someone else's idea of a 'better' life."

Gaddis sighed, his charming demeanor faltering for a moment. "You're making a mistake, Tav. Think about it. A life with me could be so much more than what you have now."

Tav, determined to end the conversation, replied, "Gaddis, I have made my decision. Please respect it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to."

Despite her clear dismissal, Gaddis lingered. Tav helped him up and find his way out. He protested to the door, but Tav shut the door on his face.

She sighed against the door. Her cat came to her feet, meowing.

Tav picked up her feline friend, "I know right? Mrs. Gaddis. Could you even believe it?" She made a fake puke sound.

Tav continued, "What does he even know about me? My dream was never to have kids! I mean, accidents happen. But it's not in the plan. My hope is I become successful, not that I become a housewife." She sighed, "He'll just never stop, will he?"

Her cat meowed in response, resting on her shoulder.

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