Bear With Me

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That night, Tav closed her eyes, trying to push away the whirlwind of thoughts that had been occupying her mind. Despite her exhaustion, sleep eluded her.

The prospect of breaking the curse weighed heavily on her. It was a daunting task, one that seemed almost impossible, especially considering the centuries Astarion had spent trying to find a solution. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of determination that burned within her.

But as she lay there in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the quiet stillness of the castle, doubts began to creep into her mind. What if they were chasing after a fool's errand? What if there was no loophole, no way to break the curse?

The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she hugged her knees to her chest, seeking comfort in the familiar gesture. But even as she tried to push away her doubts, they lingered like a dark cloud overhead, threatening to overshadow her resolve.

In moments like these, Tav found solace in the memories of her mother. She had always been a source of strength and wisdom before she died of the plague. Though she was no longer with her, her presence still lingered.

Drawing upon her mother's teachings, Tav reminded herself to have faith in her abilities and to trust in the journey ahead. She may not have all the answers now, but she refused to give up hope. With determination renewed, she made a silent vow to continue fighting, no matter what obstacles lay in her path.


The next morning, Tav awoke to the gentle light filtering through the window, casting a soft glow across the room. Despite the chill in the air, she felt a renewed sense of energy coursing through her veins. Today was the day she had decided to start her search was answers in the castle's gardens, despite the winter cold that had enveloped the land.

Determined to make the most of the day, Tav dressed warmly in layers, bundling up in a thick coat, scarf, and gloves (found from the magical dresser in her room).

As she made her way through the corridors of the castle, she couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of her surroundings. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of battles and conquests, while the floors were polished to a gleaming shine.

Tav finally reached the entrance to the garden. Stepping outside, she was greeted by a scene straight out of a winter wonderland. The ground was blanketed in a layer of snow, sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight. Trees stood tall and bare, their branches reaching up towards the sky in silent supplication.

Taking a deep breath, Tav ventured further into the garden, her footsteps leaving behind faint imprints in the snow.

As she explored further, Tav couldn't help but notice the beauty that surrounded her. Despite the harshness of winter, there was a quiet elegance to the garden, a beauty that was both haunting and enchanting.

Lost in her thoughts, Tav almost didn't notice the figure that emerged from behind a cluster of bushes. Startled, she froze in her tracks, her heart pounding in her chest.

But as the figure drew closer, Tav realized that it was not a threat, but rather a friendly face that greeted her. Standing before her was a bear, its fur thick and lush despite the cold. It regarded her with curious eyes, its gaze gentle and inviting.

Tav couldn't help but smile as she looked at the bear, her fear melting away in its presence. Without hesitation, she reached out a hand, offering it in friendship.

To her surprise, the bear responded in kind, nuzzling against her hand with affection.

It grunted.

Tav chuckled softly at the bear's grunt, finding the interaction oddly comforting.

"Hello there," She said, her voice soft and gentle. "What brings you to the garden on this cold winter day?"

The bear cocked its head to the side as if considering her question, before emitting another low grunt.

She smiled, interpreting the bear's response as an invitation to continue their conversation. "I'm Tav," she introduced herself, extending her hand once again for the bear to sniff. "It's nice to meet you."

The bear sniffed her hand cautiously before giving it a gentle lick, its tongue rough against her glove. Tav couldn't help but laugh, the gesture unexpected but endearing.

"Looks like we're going to be friends," Tav remarked, a warm feeling spreading through her chest.

As if in agreement, the bear let out a contented rumble, its eyes twinkling with a sense of camaraderie.

Astarion's voice ran from behind her. "Seems like you found Halsin."

Tav was startled and whipped back to look at him. He was wearing a black trench coat with a matching black button-up. He leaned against a tree with his arms crossed.

Her surprise at Astarion's sudden appearance quickly melted into amusement. "Halsin? Is that his name?" she asked, turning back to the bear with a smile.

Astarion nodded, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes, he's been a resident of the garden for as long as I can remember. Quite the friendly fellow, isn't he?"

Tav nodded, her gaze returning to the bear, who regarded them both with a curious expression. "He certainly is."

Astarion chuckled, pushing himself off the tree and walking over to join Tav beside Halsin. "Ah, the wonders of this castle never cease to amaze me," he remarked, reaching out a hand to pat the bear's head.

Halsin responded with a soft purr, leaning into Astarion's touch with obvious affection.

Tav couldn't help but smile at the sight. When she first met Astarion, he was cold. Now, he was petting a bear. It's a surprising contrast.

As Astarion continued to pet Halsin, Tav found herself studying him, taking in the subtle shifts in his expression and the way his eyes softened as he interacted with the bear. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before, a side that made her wonder what other surprises he held beneath the surface.

Lost in her thoughts, Tav barely noticed when Astarion turned his gaze toward her. It was only when he spoke that she snapped back to reality.

"So, what brings you to the garden, Tav?" he asked, his tone casual yet curious.

She shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. "Just felt like looking for answers to your curse. The garden seemed like a good place to start."

Astarion nodded in understanding, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to Halsin.

"What brought you out here, Astarion?"

"Didn't want you to get frostbite."

Beauty and the Bite || Astarion x Fem!TavWhere stories live. Discover now