She Won't Discover That It's Him

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That day in the garden was slow and tiresome. Tav pushed past snow and dead plants to try and find any secrets within nature. She persisted that there was something out there, given how the castle was stuck in eternal winter. But, she found nothing.

Now, Tav was getting dressed the next morning. She slipped into her clothes with a sense of purpose, despite the weariness that lingered from her search the day before. She refused to let disappointment dampen her spirits.

As she fastened the buttons of her coat, Tav glanced around her room, taking in the familiar surroundings. The magical dresser stood in the corner near Karlach. Karlach finds comfort in sleeping in Tav's fireplace at night.

With a determined sigh, Tav brushed aside her thoughts and focused on the task at hand. Today, she resolved to delve deeper into the castle's mysteries, starting with a visit to the library. If there were answers to be found, she was certain they lay stuck within pages. The library could bring back memories of her home as well.

Exiting her room, Tav made her way through the corridors of the castle, the familiar click-clack of her boots echoing against the stone floors. She passed by tapestries and portraits, each one a silent witness to the history of the castle and its inhabitants.

Finally reaching the grand doors of the library, Tav pushed them open with a sense of anticipation. The scent of old parchment and leather greeted her, mixing with the musty aroma of aged books. She took a deep breath, savoring the familiar scent as she stepped inside.

The library was vast, its shelves lined with row upon row of books, scrolls, and manuscripts. Stained glass windows added color to the room. Tav felt a surge of excitement as she began to explore the shelves, running her fingers along the spines of the books.

Lost in her search, Tav hardly noticed the passage of time as she combed through the library's extensive collection. She pulled out books on curses, magic, and folklore, hoping to find some clue that would lead her closer to a solution. Page by page, she delved deeper into the mysteries that surrounded Astarion's curse, her determination unwavering despite the lack of immediate success.

Hours passed in a blur as Tav immersed herself in her research, her mind buzzing with possibilities and theories. She barely registered the sound of footsteps approaching until a familiar voice broke through her concentration.

"Tav, what are you doing here?"

She looked up to see Astarion standing before her, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. He leaned against one of the shelves, his posture relaxed.

Tav smiled, gesturing to the books scattered around her. "Just doing a bit of research," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "I thought the library might hold some answers to your curse."

Astarion raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "And have you found anything of interest?"

She shook her head, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "Not yet, but I'm not giving up hope. There's bound to be something here that can help us."

"You're welcome to bring books back up to your room." He paused, "for more than research reasons as well. I can tell you're well-read."

Tav's cheeks flushed slightly at Astarion's remark, a mixture of surprise and amusement coloring her expression. "Well, thank you," she replied, a bashful smile gracing her lips. "I do enjoy a good book now and then." That was an understatement. She spent most of her time back home in the library.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Astarion's lips, a hint of wistfulness in his expression. "I have dabbled in the occasional tome," he admitted, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Though my tastes may not be as refined as yours."

Tav chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the library's quiet expanse. "I'm sure you have more knowledge hidden away in that head of yours than you let on," she remarked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Astarion raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips. "Perhaps," he replied cryptically, his gaze holding hers in a silent challenge.

"Well, if you ever feel like sharing some of that hidden knowledge, I'm all ears," Tav said with a grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Astarion's smirk widened into a genuine smile, a rare sight that sent a flutter of warmth through Tav's chest. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his tone laced with amusement.

Astarion watched her flip through pages and jot down notes. With a soft sigh, he moved closer to Tav, his gaze lingering on the books spread out before her. "Is there anything I can do to assist you in your search?" he asked.

Tav glanced up, grateful for Astarion's offer of help. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before responding. "Actually, there is something you could do," she said, her voice soft but determined. "I've been trying to track down any mentions of ancient curses or rituals that might be related to vampirism. If you could help me comb through these shelves, we might find something useful."

Astarion nodded, a gleam of determination lighting up his eyes. "Consider it done," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. He moved closer, his gaze scanning the titles of the books around them. "I may not be as well-versed in scholarly pursuits, but I have a knack for finding hidden secrets-," he gulped, "besides the one that has haunted me for years, of course."

Tav chuckled lightly. "I have no doubt about that."


With that, they set to work, searching the shelves for what they needed. Hours passed in a blur, but neither Tav nor Astarion showed any signs of fatigue. They were both driven by a shared goal.

The sun was setting, the sun rays moving down through the windows.

Astarion yelped "Ow!" His hand had been burnt by the sun. He shook it off and moved farther behind a bookshelf.

Tav glanced over, concern flickering in her eyes as she saw Astarion recoil from the sunlight. "Are you alright?" she asked, worry coloring her voice.

Astarion winced, flexing his hand. "Just a minor inconvenience," he replied, his tone casual despite the lingering pain. "I forget sometimes how... sensitive I can be to sunlight."

Tav was now confused. "We went outside yesterday."

"It was cloudy yesterday."

"Ah, you're right."

Astarion nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, the weather does have its advantages," he remarked a hint of relief in his voice.

Tav's brow furrowed with concern. "We should probably find a more shaded spot to continue our search," she suggested, scanning the library for a suitable location.

Astarion nodded in agreement, his gaze following Tav as she surveyed the room. "Lead the way," he said, his voice soft.

Together, they gathered their books and moved to a secluded corner of the library, away from the direct sunlight. Tav couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy as she watched Astarion's hand, the one that had been burned by the sunlight. She had seen him vulnerable before, but this moment felt different, more intimate somehow.

As they resumed their search, Tav found herself stealing glances at Astarion, her mind swirling with thoughts she dared not voice aloud. She admired his newfound determination. But beneath it all, she sensed a vulnerability, a longing that mirrored her own.

But, he was a vampire after all. It was in his nature to attract mortals. He was made to bring mortals to him to feed on.

Lost in her thoughts, Tav almost didn't notice when Astarion reached out to adjust the position of a book, his fingers brushing against hers in a fleeting touch. Their eyes met and in that silent exchange, Tav saw her reflections mirrored in Astarion's eyes.

But just as quickly as it had come, the moment passed, shattered by his eyes moving back to the book. Tav tore her gaze away, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment.

She would need to get over this.

Beauty and the Bite || Astarion x Fem!TavWhere stories live. Discover now