The Mighty

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My day started with me waking up and eating the cakes of pan as my father calls it. He's not a very good cook, and when he turns his back to me, I throw it into trash. Since we have been on Earth, I am slowly learning the ways of the people who live here.

One of their customs is for the adolescent children to go out and do work for other people. In return, these children receive financial benefits. I have successfully gotten one of these at a frozen dairy products place. My master says that I will sell his products at the festivities this morning and all the young ladies there will buy it because I look handsome. He also says that I hand out the frozen dairy products very quickly, even faster than him. That must be due to my strength, which I inherited from my father.

"Westten, you need to be at the festivities at eight o'clock so you can set up your portable place of business before the 'parade' starts," Father says. We both just learned the word "parade" last week, when Mr. Abben, my master told us about it.

"Yes, Father. I will leave now." I leave for the door and I notice he left his hammer on the table. I try to pick it up, but it won't yield to my actions. Father says I'll be able to pick it up when I'm older.

I arrive at the "Main St." at 8:05. I have learned to interpret the meanings of the clocks all around me, but father hasn't. It only takes me a couple of minutes to set up my stand, with the final touch being standing the umbrella over the frozen dairy products.

After this, I immediately am surrounded by little children. I serve them quickly and they eventually all leave to find a place for the parade. Then I see her.

She walks in the sun, her hair shining like gold. The wind perfectly picks up her hair so it flows freely around her face. She does not wear a trace of makeup on her face, but she doesn't need it. Her eyes are open and a bright shade of blue, her nose is speckled with freckles, her lips full and the pinkest pink I've ever seen. She is somewhat shorter than the man beside her, but from what I can determine, the man must be her father.

They come to my stand, and I am almost too flustered to notice which type of frozen dairy product I'm giving them. Thankfully, I give them the right flavor.

"Wow, that's the fastest I've seen anyone serve ice cream." Oh my stars, her voice is more beautiful than the songs of the birds outside of my bedroom window.

"Thank-you, I get a lot of practice," I respond, motioning to the little children.

She giggles. She doesn't even know how adorable she is right at this moment.

"Uhm, my name is Westten. And, uh, what's your name?" All I can hope is for an opportunity to communicate with her again. Maybe she will give me the number of her telephone.

"My name is Paige, and this is my dad," she turns her head to her father.

"Call me Steve." We shake hands. "Paige, Mom and I will be next to the floral shop. Come to us when you're ready." Steve leaves to sit next to his wife.

After he leaves, we talk about the parade. Mostly about what's going to be in it. Neither of us really knows. She has never seen the parade either. We then start to guess what could be in it. Our guesses start off as small, such as local businesses. Then they grew to impossible things, like an entire zoo. We kept guessing up until the start of the parade and she had to go sit with her family across the street in the shade next to a floral shop.

As she left, I knew that I loved her.

The little children didn't want "ice cream" anymore because the people in the vehicles were throwing candy out to them. I noticed a piece of candy in the middle of the road after I had glanced over at Paige and saw her smelling one of the flowers. I then remember that buying a female flowers was a sign of love. I'll definitely do that later.

But, I wasn't the only person who noticed the candy in the middle of the road. One of the little children had gone out to get it, but they were in the way of a big red truck. I think it's called a "fire truck" and that it could crush a small child. Realizing that it could harm the child, I start to move my stand out of the way so I can get him. But someone is already gone out there.

The girl with the golden hair. Paige.

My love.

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