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"Why do we have to go?" I ask.

"Because we were invited, and you need the company," Dad answers.

"But, I don't even know her! What if she tackles me?"

"I doubt she will tackle you. She probably won't even touch you." He thinks for a little bit. "She needs the company just as much as you do."

"I don't need any company. I have my bow for that."

Dad sighs. A cry of desperation.

"Honey, tell your son he has to go!" Dad yells.

I run onto the plane, trying to escape Mom's wrath. It doesn't work.

"Nathaniel, why don't you want to go? We're coming with you if that is what it's about." She speaks softly.

I shrug.

Here comes the wrath.

"Nathaniel Cliff Barton, you are going whether you like it or not! You are going to go to SHIELD to train and to be able to work with other people. Cooper is not around anymore and you need friends." Mom tones down a bit. "This may be the closest thing to a friend you can ever get."

"I still don't understand why I can't go to school like other kids, like Cooper did."

"Because, we can't risk losing you."

Mom kisses my forehead and makes sure I'm buckled in before we take off.

It'll take a few hours to get there, so I pull out my tablet. Angry Birds should be plenty to keep me awake. (I'm pretty good at the angles.)

If I'm awake I can't have the nightmares.

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