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I almost trip on my way out. Fantastic.

Before I do anything else stupid, I reach out for a handshake, and I see her for the first time.

She is pretty, but definitely too old for me. Maybe she's about Cooper's age before he...

No, Cooper will be missed, but he wouldn't want me moping around.

"Nathan, and you are...?"


The awkwardest silence follows the handshake. I'm really making a good impression.

"Well, let me show you around."

I look behind her and see a lonely shed. SHIELD really set their standards low.

Paige leads me to the shed door, our dads trailing behind. My mom would have followed, if she wasn't busy puking in the plane's only bathroom. She doesn't fly very well.

Paige puts her hand to the handle, waits for a couple of seconds and gently tugs it open.

She is gentle, so she probably won't tackle me, I think. Her handshake was gentle too.

She gestures everyone in. The tiny shed gets even more packed when she squeezes in.

"Wait, what about Mom?" I ask.

"She'll be able to get in, don't worry," Dad answers.

The floor drops and that terrible feeling of your stomach in your brain happens. I hate that feeling, almost worse than remembering Cooper ....

No, focus. I try to tell myself that all the way down.

After about a minute of tussling with my emotions a set of metal doors open.

A voice says, "Welcome to SHIELD."

I look for the body matching the voice and see an eye-patched man.

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