Getting To know You

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Hinata P.O.V
Its been morning but Sakura is still pissed off by that thief(sighs) who will be that guy who just took her bag ..
As i walked downstairs to go to my work eyes went outside was a different car standing there..
Where was my driver and my car?
When I went towards it ..the window came down ..and it was the face ..I never wished to see in morning..
Naruto:(winks) hey ..
Hinata : don't you wink at me ...and what you are doing here in my house !?
Naruto : why you are always this it down jeez
Hinata : look who is talking who was on the news of hitting a guy because he poked you..
Naruto : he dare too ..
Hinata : leave ..
Naruto: come on hyuga ..if you don't come with me ..mostly everyone is thinking its fake ..which is but you want to make them win by this reality?like you don't want your company downfall right come in..
Hinata : but where is my driver !!!!?
Naruto : i just gave him some happiness..

Naruto : take this money ..its double of ur month salary ..go and have fun No need to come for a month here
Driver : thank you sir !!!!

Flashback end ..

Hinata : you can't do that to my workers !!!
Naruto : guess i had no other choice ..
She opened the back door and sat there..
Naruto:(pissing off) do you think I am your driver ?
Hinata : you are..
Naruto:(smirk) hinata hyuga The more I try to be good normal person just keep dancing on my nerves ..
Naruto opened his door and the back door pulled hinata out carrying her in his arms ..he thrown her next to driver seat..
Naruto : sit here ..
He came back to his seat and started driving..
Hinata : if you do what you did again ..I will make sure to kill you right there..
Naruto : do it than ..
Hinata : i will not be kind hearted ..
Naruto: who is stoping you..

Her eyes widen ..
Is this guy idiot ? She thought to herself ..
They reached to her workplace ..
Before hinata walking inside ..naruto did the thing which made some workers passed out..
Naruto : Love see you afterwards ..Take care!!!

He drove off
Everyone was glaring Hinata ..
Hinata : GO TO YOUR WORK!!!!!!
They just ran away..

Hinata P.O.V
Sheesh..My mind is bursting right now ...I can hit someone nerves will burst ..
Hinata : Temari......
Temari :y-yes
Hinata : What is wrong with you why you look nervous ?

Temari : nothing ...You look serious thats why

Hinata: My head is bursting

Temari : I know

Hinata: Do I have any meetings right now?

Temari: No not sudden....

Hinata: Okay ..i will have a walk outside..

Temari: Okay I will too come

Hinata: no ...You be here I will go alone..I need to clear my mind...

Temari : okay

I walked outside ..on the streets this is the last time I will be seeing things? The child playing with the balloon ..It looks so happy what is happiness in that.. a old couple crossing the road holding hands together ..(sighs ) this is no fun I am getting bore seeing this all ..people ...thinking there is always happiness..which is not truth...

Hours later ..

TEMARI p.o.v

Temari walked into Hinata room in her workplace ..but she wasn't there .."Its her meeting time where she is ?  She didn't even contacted me about postponing it or something.."
i called Her friend Sakura hinata told she has return and is staying her home ..

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