Confession But True?

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Hinata P.O.V
Sakura is literally excited to take her luggage back..or what I am thinking but she has a slight blush from morning as we are taking the bag exchange..they even decided to meet at restaurant..
We were driving to restaurant...on the way Naruto Texted me ...

"What you are doing ?"

Why will I tell him what I am doing ..its not that he wants to know it either was to show everyone we are in relation but he is been too much...

"Going to die " i replied him back...
(Tsk) so annoying why he is sounding so caring boyfriend..

"Just answer without been on my nerves okay?"

I clenched my fist...
"Blue berry hotel !!! I am going there !!!"

" Oh I am also on my way there..I will wait for you.."

"You don't need to.."

"I didn't asked you.."

I thrown my phone at my side ..he is really dancing on my head now
Sakura : why so angry?
Hinata : its all because of you!!! I will ask you something..
Sakura : what?
Hinata : what if a boy texts you...that what you are doing? Where you are going ? Did you ate food? This that ....will you bee not annoyed !!!!?
Sakura : calm down hinata..first of all...if a boy does this it means he is been in love with you..secondly i will be not annoyed ...its caring behaviour..
Hinata : l-love? Huh (scoffs) it will be never ...i-i(blushing ) and he will never
Sakura : why you are blushing is it Naruto huh?
Hinata : no!!!!!!

Naruto P.O.V
We reached blue berry hotel ..we both walked inside ..
Sasuke : glad my bag is back!!!!
Sakura : mine too!!!!!
Naruto : pink girl..(laughs)
Sakura : what!!!????
Naruto ; atlast you both are normal now..
Sasuke : didn't you told you will bring your friend where she is?
Sakura : oh she is inside car she had some work she told she will be inside car for few minutes ..
Sasuke : oh i see who is she by the way..
Sakura: hyuga ...Hinata Hyuga...

The name was like a shock at me...
Naruto; hinata!!?
Sakura : yeah ur fake girlfriend...
Sasuke : you are her friend!!!???????
Sakura : why you have a problem!? Talk one bad word about her and i will punch ur face ...
Naruto : where she is?

I rushed outside and sawn her car parked ...she maybe inside i was walking towards her ..A truck came at speed from behind and crashed the car...

My whole body got frozed like someone shot me right into my eyes was widen..the car was crashed totally..the people panicked ...but I couldn't hear anything ..I ran towards the car...
Naruto: hinata!!!! Hinata

I tried to open the door but it couldn't...
Naruto: Hinata!!!!
I started punching the mirror to break it down...I didn't care about the blood flowing from my fist ..I couldn't feel that pain too...
I was punching it ..tears rushing my eyes...

Stranger : idiot!!! The car will blast go away...!!!!

Sasuke : naruto!!!!!!!! Come here!!!!
Sakura : hinata!!!!!!(tears)

Sasuke and sakura who just walked outside the hotel ..sasuke caught sakura because she was coming near the car..
Sasuke : naruto get away from the car!!!!!!!!

The window broke ..
Hinata : naruto!!!!!

The voice body got numb ..i turned my face ..she was alive ..she was standing...outside..
She wasn't inside the car...

I walked towards her and pulled her tightly in hug..the tears rushing my eyes i started crying in her shoulder burying my face ...
Naruto: I love you...(crying)

Hinata P.O.V
"I love you"

I was standing there shock...does he know what he is talking..why my heart is pounding so fast...

Naruto: I love you Hinata!![crying clinging on her]

My hand raised and rubbed his back...Someone came with Sakura..

Sakura: hinata you okay? You are not hurt right..?

Hinata: No

Sasuke: I will take him..

Hinata : who are you?

Sasuke: brother of naruto..


He took him...did he really confessed to me...? or just because people were seeing it...he has became a complete idiot..(tears)

Sasuke P.O.V
I brought him inside..and gave him water..he drank water and head down on table..
Sasuke : bro whats wrong with you? you love her so much...
Naruto: i-i don't..

On the other side ..Hinata and Sakura hears it ..hinata tears rushes out she thought little chances that it was true she wanted it to be truth ..hearing him she rushes out ..
Sakura: oh hinata wait
Sakura rushes after her..

Sasuke : what you mean?
Naruto : I don't..she thinks that I don't but I do sasuke ..I have fallen in love with her too badily(tears) I didn't wanted to look to her face but now what i want in front of me is she (tears) J-just now I didn't thought that I lost her I thought I lost my life...I love her bro..
Sasuke : shh calm down ..Now you have confessed to her ..she might be happy..
Naruto: she hates me
Sasuke : you never know idiot..just go and talk to her ..
Naruto: you really think?
Sasuke : yeah but first we are going hospital to bandage ur fist ..
Naruto: its fi..
Sasuke: no its not !!!!! Shut ur mouth..

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