Be there

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Naruto P.O.V
I rushed to Hinata house once my fist was bandage ..I wanted to see her in front of me and confess to her properly...
As i walked inside ...She was no where of her maid told me she is in her bedroom ....

Naruto : Hinata!!(smiles)
She looked at me with cold stare was she angry on something?
Hinata : why you are here ?
Naruto ; what you mean?
Hinata : get lost from my house..
Naruto : wait what? I love you hinata...
Hinata : oh really? Love me ? (Wipes her tears)

She pushed me so hard ..
Hinata : I wish god don't make my enemies see this day..
Naruto : are you this angry because I love you?really hyuga?
Hinata : just stop !!!! And get lost!!!!! I don't wanna see ur face !!!

My heart was broken her words i was completely frozed ..
Naruto ; okay..

I walked away limping...

Sakura : naruto...

Sakura P.O.V
He didn't heard me ..he just walked away of house ..his eyes were red in hinata crazy ? Why she did this ?
I went inside her room..
Sakura : why hinata? Why!?
Hinata : if you wanna also leave ..leave
Sakura : but what he did to you? He loves you so much...can't you see?
Hinata : he is just using me its all fake i heard it ..
Sakura : do you really think this hurting himself for saving you is FAKE? Temari also told me he searched for you everywhere running is this also fake for been worried about you!? Hinata .....
Hinata : enough ..i know him very well..
Sakura : (sighs)

I left her room ..she is so dense ...why in the first state she have that thought ...wait she is hurt this much ..does she love him back thats why she is hurt yes!!! She does love him back ....!!!!!!!!!lemme tell sasuke this ...

Sasuke P.O.V
He came back home
Sasuke : so did you both kissed ? Finally huh..
He went in his room and banged the door..what is wrong with him ..
(Knocks it )
Sasuke : open the door ..
He wasn't responding after so many knocks he finally opened it ..
Naruto : what?
Sasuke : what happened?
Naruto : she got Irritated knowing I love her ..
My eyes went inside his room ..the mirror was cracked into pieces my glare shifted towards his hand dripping from blood..
Sasuke : are you complete idiot!?
Naruto : i am fine ..wanna have drink?
Sasuke : you are not completely fine ..
Naruto : who cares ?
Sasuke : bro ..are you crazy your life comes first!!
Naruto : (glares) are you having the drink or not sasuke?

Why did i flinch just now happened first time in life that i flinch because of his glare ..he was never like this with me from childhood..he never actually got this serious ..


At university

Naruto : bro i am telling you she isn't good for you ..
Sasuke : who dates womans?
Naruto : you like men!?
Sasuke : (clenches fist) shutup before i kill you and dig you right now
Naruto:(laughs) idiot!!!!!! Haahhaahhahaha
Sasuke : loser ...

Lee : hey guys ..wanna join to basketball!!!!??
Naruto returned to his cold form usual in front of others ..
Naruto: no..(cold face)
Lee : i-i guess okay...

Lee P.O.V(am i imagining things he just was laughing with his bestfriend sasuke ..he is so cold to others ..pfft don't tell me they are dating..)

Flashback ends

This was the first time ..The eyes which always had blue bright light ..Has dark shade of blue right now ..his eyes were not shining ..

We drank and he as usual gone in his bedroom and shutted the door..
(Sigh) this woman ..i will make sure she don't meet him again..

Sakura P.O.V
They need to meet!!!!! Hinata has big he'll misunderstanding she has gone crazy!! What what what i should do!!!(biting her nails)
Maid : its not good to bite nails..
Sakura : e-eh....(embarrassed) i-i am sorry ..!!!!
I have gone crazy ..should i just call naruto..!? And tell her she has misunderstood the situation...n-no he might be hungry to kill us ..


Sakura : NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Hinata : will you shut your mouth!!!!!!!?
Hinata :(sighs) sleep sakura I don't wanna talk about it again..

Next day ..

Hinata got ready to drive to her office she thinking everything is normal? When she just hurted the tiger ..even she is more dangerous but i know naruto face look when he left ..he was so broken ...and its not good for her to go to office..
Sakura : hinata why don't we go somewhere..
Hinata : take sasuke and go..
She left..

This is so frustrating!!!!!!

hinata was watching outside from her window ..Her eyes were dull ..even it was fake she had already felled for him..his gestures ..his kindness even he was like a cunning fox and tiger ..who made her annoy but she did loved him and he was all this acting...
She took her phone out ...


Hinata : unknown?

She opened the message
It was sasuke uchiha text ..

Sasuke : Hyuga meet me at the king hotel...
Hinata : not interested..

Other side
Sasuke P.O.V
This woman !!(clenches fist) even though i hate her now she is perfect for naruto both are rude brats ...


Sasuke : just meet hyuga ..don't take this long..
Hinata : 5 minutes thats all..
Sasuke : that 5 minutes will be shitty time but anyways there ..

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