Chapter 2; Party Crashers

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Cheshire perched herself promptly on the high building. Activating the nightvision mode on her grinning cat mask so peers into the darkness. With her tinted green sight she spots a stocky man stumbling into an abandoned warehouse...well it's abandoned to the naked eye, however underground rests a highly functional and crowded science facility undocumented by any form of government. The secret society converting below has no idea of the walking beacon of chaos that just entered their cover up.

For someone who's been avoiding Hydra he sure seems eager to return home. The woman thinks as she stands up in the night. This will be so damn easy. Idiot didn't even bother doing a permitter check, like he doesn't give a damn. Hope he hasn't lost all the fight in him.

Personally Cheshire likes her prey to put up a scene, she enjoys the struggle. Others attempt for a damned survival is her drug and her clients are the dealers. Every time her phone dings with information of a new target it's like music to her ears.

As silent as a shadow the mercenary leaps off of the building and lands wobbly on the ground, skidding over once and scrapping her knees.

Son of a bitch. I need to stop jumping off buildings. I need to invest in a graveling hook, buy some Batman shit. Dude seems like he has a tool for everything in the comics.

Picking herself up she creeps closer to the warehouse hearing a distinct voice that causes her to groan.

"Metal arm? That's got to suck!" An annoying assholes says from the inside. His voice is followed by gun shots and grunts from the other guy, "All I'm saying is that's gotta hurt. I mean, how do you, you know, get yourself off. I'm assuming carefully- Ow!" The idiot shouts as a bullet grazes his arm, "sensitive topic I see."

Wade. Fucking. Wilson. Cheshire lets out an unearthly moan of aggravation. Guess I'm not the only Mercenary that was called in. I'll be damned if that psychotic lunatic gets my pay.

Instead of bursting inside Cheshire searches for a skylight or some type of window she can sneak into. If she's lucky the Winter Solider will either kill Wade or at least get tired of hearing the merc with the mouth talk and then kill himself and then the female assassin will off Wade herself. Either way she intends to get her promised cash and hopefully the day ends with one less loud mouth to disrupt the earth's already shitty population.

Walking around the warehouse, while checking over her shoulder for a possible attack, Cheshire finds an already broken window on the side. Her guess is Wade broke it with one of his many weapons instead of opening the latch which caused him to engage the target head on right away.

The guy never thinks anything through. He's impulsive and deranged. She knows this because she knows him. They unfortunately have a past. Cheshire holds a justified grudge against him ever since Moscow. The memory is one she'd rather not go into detail on, at least not now.

Squeezing through the surprisingly wide opening she enters the warehouse where the masculine males are having a full on western stand off.

Wade's pistols are aimed at the metal armed guy who is holding his own mechanical weapon that masses in size compared to the others.

Wade notices their difference in  volume and smirks, "You know what they say.." He cocks his gun, "It's not the size that counts it's how you use it." Then he winks, "Bang."

Now they're firing at each other, taking a few hits but both seeming to miraculously dodge any bullets that could've caused severe damage.

Wade makes false gun shot noises as he continues to fire. The Solider is getting more agitated with every noise leaving his mouth. Cheshire remains in the shadows; enjoying the show. Sooner or later one of them's going to run out of amo and that'll be her cue to intervene.

Leaning backwards the long haired girl narrows her gaze on the tumbling pair. She takes in their fighting styles with discreet fascination. They are complete opposites. One's moves are fierce and planned while the others is violent and spontaneous.

Wade manages to knock the bigger built man on his ass and takes the temporary advantage to aim straight at his missions head. Unfortunately as his finger squeezes the trigger nothing happens.

"Crap." Wade chuckles nervously, "Don't suppose you'll wait for me to reload?"

To answer him the Solider headbutts Wade hard causing blood to spur out of his now broken noise and sends him stumbling backwards. As he winds his mechanic arm back Cheshire throws one of her Sai's. The sharp tool impales the metal contraption with precise precision.

"Oh great, you're here." Wade complains spotting the haunting grinning mask of the woman that shared similarities to the wonderland cat. Despite his whine the handsome mercenary lingers his gaze on her bare legs that are exposed by her short kimono.  "..Man I'm glad you're here.."

"Eyes up Wilson, before I stab them."

"Still feisty. Me likey."

"Shut up." Cheshire replies through clutched teeth just as The Winter Solider yanks the Sai out of his metal arm. Before anyone has a chance to react the front door gets kicked in.

A pale man wearing a uniform resembling the American flag struts in along side a darker skinned male who has a mechanical device strapped around him.

"Awe come on! Can't a guy kill another guy without being interrupted." Wade groans spitting blood on the floor as he makes his way toward Cheshire.

"Bucky?" The spangled man questions the Winter Solider with a pained expression.

Mirroring the same tormented look Bucky backs away slowly, "You should've stayed away."

"We can help you."

"Ever feel like you're missing something?" Wade whispers to his fellow mercenary.

Rolling her eyes behind her mask Cheshire twirls her remaining Sai, eyes glued on the unaware Avengers. "You take the one on the right. Big guy's mine."

"You wanna work together? Just like Moscow." Wade grins and reaches for the katana's strapped to his back.

"You and I remember Moscow very differently." She remarks prior to charging towards Captain America. "Sorry Cap, your metal friend is about to die."

"And who are you?" He grunts as he shoves the girl with his shield to keep her away from an already injured Bucky Barnes.

"To him, and any other Avenger, I am death; destroyer of worlds."


I'm excited to write this :D I know this chapter isn't the best and is kinda short but I promise the rest will be longer and Wanda will be in the next chapter ;) and Cheshire's going to enjoy playing with her.

Hopefully it won't take forever for me to update.

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