Chapter 3; Cherry Lips

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Stepping out of the compartment I stowed away in, I do a quick scan to make sure Cap and Sam had left and then exit the jet of doom with a hint of nausea and anger residing in the pit of my stomach. Nausea, because I hate flying in metal contraptions. And anger because I thought being an Avenger would be different than a Hydra has been until now.

We are suppose to be team, that means working together. Yet for reasons I'm not aware of our leader has been lying to us. He has been conducting an undocumented mission no one at S.H.I.E.L.D. is aware of.

After his and Sam's strange departure I had worriedly asked Natasha what the two were up to, she did not know and told me not to worry but in her mind I sensed distress. What they are doing concerned the tough red headed spy and that concerned me.

When a spy doesn't know they are being deceived than the deceiver must be good. I am through being in the dark and unaware of people's true motives. I know I should not intrude on Captain's work and I should trust his lead but I can't do that. Being blinded by faith is how Pietro got killed. I trusted a being I should not have and I will never make that mistake again.

I walked over to the warehouse Sam and Steve had carelessly bursted into hearing a brawl taking place on the inside. There were numerous grunts and minimal exchange of words followed by loud banging sounds taking place. With slight hesitation I walked in, my palms emitting their deadly red aura.

"Ah no fair you brought an extra member!" A man in a red tank top covered by a bullet proof vest exclaims while fighting Sam with two long swords.

"Wanda? What are you-" Steve doesn't get to finish as a short and agile female with long black hair slices him on his leg before retreating back into the shadows.

I watch petrified as Cap falls to his knees, his body shaking, and then with a loud thud collapses face first: completely still.

"Steve!" Sam and I shout at the same time with mirrored horror reflecting on our expressions. The girl had barely grazed him with her weapon and yet it was enough to bring the super soldier down.

"Really Cheshire you're running? We got them on the ropes!" The man chuckles as he hits a distracted Falcon.

As soon as Sam takes to blow to his side I snap back into the present situation. Toying with my fingers I concentrate on the talkative male, who in seconds is lifted off of his feet.

"Uh-what? I'm flying! I don't like this! Put me down witch!"

"As you wish." Raising my hands up I increase his height and then I slam my fist downwards causing him to crash on the concrete rendering the man unconscious.

"Finally someone shut him up." A soft voice tinted with an accent I couldn't place speaks from behind me. Small but muscular arms wrap around my neck, a sharp knife hovering above my throat. "You have a nice little power there Dārin. Mind if I borrow it for a sec?"

Faster than I could blink the masked female cartwheels over my shoulder, landing perfectly in front of me, and presses a button on the side of her grinning маска which retracts the bottom half so her red painted lips are exposed. As her full mouth contacts with mine I am left baffled and too stunned to do anything.  It's not just the kiss that is leaving me immobilized but a strange weakening feeling burning through me as it becomes hard to manage a single breath.

She quickly pulls herself away from me, taking in quick breathes as if she felt the same pain. "Thanks Dārin ."

With a wicked smirk the girl sends me flying backwards, red energy resembling mine wrapping around Sam, Steve, and I but it isn't of my doing.

"You three cost me a very good pay check." The woman paces in front of our hovering selves, "I really don't like people who interfere with my job. I don't stop you Avengers from saving the world, so why are you stopping me from killing one guy?"

As she monologues I glance over at Steve. Although he's no longer flat on the ground his body still seems to be in the same position as if he is paralyzed.

"Takifugu." She randomly states as if having heard my thoughts.


"Japanese pufferfish, have Stark look it up." A annoyed tick plays on her still uncovered lips.

I do not understand how she's able to do that when I can not. My gifts do not access me full entrance into someone's brain like that, at least not that I know of. At times I can pull images from their mind and play with their fears but that is it..I have yet to truly explore the limits of my abilities; training with the Avengers has mainly consisted of hand-to-hand combat and strategic battle plans.

"That's because you're with humans. They don't understand people like us." She steps towards me. "And they never will."

"What do you mean people like us?"

I am human, no different than anyone else.

"Aw sweetie." She chuckles, "you don't even know what you are. That you can ask Fury about because our kind sure as hell ain't called enhance's." She growls the last part before composing back to her careless pose, "I do hate to kiss and run but I have to track down a man with a metal arm."

She slams Sam and Steve down the same way I did to her partner before turning towards me. Clutching her hand she brings me forward and towards her.

"You have so much potential and it's being wasted. Real shame." Gently she lets me fall to my feet. "They don't appreciate you Wanda. They keep you around because they are afraid of you and they feel guilty for your brother's death."

I shoot her a deadly glare at the mention of Pietro.  I try to focus my powers on her but they aren't working rendering me pathetically useless.

"I mean no disrespect, I'm merely suggesting you seek out others like yourself." She walks over to her unconscious companion and lifts him up with my abilities.

"We will find you and stop whatever it is you are doing."

"No you won't.." Her smirk gets hidden as her twisted grinning mask reforms. "I disappear like the Cheshire Cat."

The haunting white grin is the last thing I see before she vanishes into the darkness.

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