Chapter 4; Kitty Likes To Scratch

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Annoyed I furiously glare at the man before me. Although his back is facing me, and my mask is on, by the way he's shifting I know he can feel my harsh stare.

With opened arms he spins on his heels, "I can tell you're upset, or you haven't gotten laid. I can help with one of those things."

Growling like a mindless beast I throw my Sai, aiming for the man's thick skull, however ,instead of the result I wanted, his gloved hand catches it inches away from his face.

"So you're upset." He smirks, twirling my weapon in his grasp.

"Go fuck yourself." I snap, strutting towards him.

"If the lady insists." His irritating permanent state of idiocy is poking my last nerve.

"Why were you there Wilson?" I ask through clutched teeth and yank my Sai out of his hands which in return get held up in surrender.

"Same as you Ches. Got a call."

I hated that answer. I despise the idea of my client deeming me so incompetent that he requires the service of an imbecile...I suppose that's not the whole truth. Wade, despite his obvious flaws, is good at his job. If his Katana's don't end you his running mouth will.

"I really do not appreciate others stealing my targets. I should kill you for it." As he steps toward me with a familiar desire in his brown orbs I grin to myself. "Maybe I'll just rip out your tongue."

"Sweetheart, I don't think you'd know what to do with my tongue if you had it." He has closed the small space between us, however his hands remain at his side meaning he's either teasing or afraid.

"Perhaps..." My fingers trail down his muscular arms, "I should start with something I'm more acquainted with."

As he bites his lip and the bulge in his pants grows my grin widens behind my mask.

I've got him where I want him.

Smirking I knee him between his legs and watch him tumble over in agony.

"You'r an idiot." I hiss and step over him.

"You're still mad about Moscow? I was just getting intel." He groans.

"With your pants down?"

"Yesssss...let's face it, it was hardly the worse thing you've caught me doing Ches."

Frustrated I run my hands through my hair and rest my back against a cool wall. Huffing I avoid looking at the injured asshole any longer. He didn't even thank me for saving his ass back there! Not that I would either, but still.

Growing impatient I begin to tap my foot.

Where the hell is this guy?

"This feel off to you?" Wade asks whipping out his Katana on instinct.

Our employer contacted us hours after our fight with The Avengers and after we let our target get away. His intentions behind our meeting is unknown, so unfortunately I have to agree with Wade's paranoid feeling. Creeping footsteps came from outside the office we awaited in causing me to jump to Wade's side and prepare to shove him first in case someone tries to kill us, this way at least one of us would have a chance to live.

"Cheshire and The Merc With the Mouth. " A male's voice entranced with a thick Russian accent comes from the shadows. I stiffen as a tall figure wearing all purple, including a purple mask with white eyes but no mouth, emerges from the darkness. "My name is-"

"Zemo. I know who you are." I reply sternly having heard of Hydra's leader and his reputation.

"Yeah we know who you are." Wade crosses his arms over his chest and leans toward me, "Who is he?"

I roll my eyes, Idiot.


"Who is she?"  I ask what most of my fellow teammates are wondering as Natasha pulls up an image of the assassin. She looks exactly the same in the picture as she did moments ago. Wild black hair, grinning mask, short green dress, smooth tan legs...

"Her real name is unknown." That bit of information stunned those around me. S.H.I.E.L.D isn't one to not hold valuable piece of information, except for the time they were infiltrated by Hydra and had no idea.

"She goes by Cheshire because of her cat like mask and her habit of disappearing without a trace. She is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and specializes in mixed martial arts, ninjutsu, weaponry, manipulation- lets just say she's very dangerous."

"If she's a threat then why hasn't S.H.I.E.L.D taken her down yet?" Rhodes, also known as War Machine, asks.

"I said she was dangerous. I never said she was a threat." Widow replies.

Not a threat? She put Steve in the hospital with single cut and he still hasn't woken yet.

"She was able to siphon my powers, I'd say that makes her threat." I ball my fist together hating the fact that one girl made me completely useless with a simple contact. I can still feel her burning kiss singeing  my lips like deadly toxin slowly taking over me.

Everyone else showed signs of astonishment, but not Natasha. She acted as if I had said nothing about the girls abilities.

Swiping the screen Natasha makes Cheshire's image vanish and a handsome man with sandy blonde hair takes her place.

"This is Wade Wilson. He's a mercenary as well, highly trained in just about everything. Unlike his partner he doesn't wear a mask, he doesn't even wear protective armor aside from a bullet proof vest which is visible over his red muscle top. The guy is borderline insane which makes him twice as dangerous." Natasha pulls up the image of Cheshire once more and puts it beside the man's, "The pair alone are credited with over 2 dozen assassinations but they never attack innocent people or put civilians in harms way. Usually their targets are connected with crimes twice as bad as murder."

"We should shake their hands then." Scott Lang, the newest member, says earning deranged looks from all of us causing him to clear his throat, "or not. Yeah you're right murder's probably not the best way to deal with bad guys because they never get out of jail."

There's some sarcasm you can cut with a knife.

"She put Cap in a coma and her boyfriend fucking stabbed me. If I see her again she ain't getting a friendly hand shake." Sam grunts as he moves in his seat. "Why were they even after Bucky?"

Who is Bucky?

"Which is why we're going to bring them in and get some answers."

"I would also like some answers." I blurt out, "Who is Bucky? And why were you and Steve looking for him in first place? Oh and why can Cheshire temporarily harness my powers? What is she? What am I?"

"I'll answer all your questions after we have Wade and Cheshire in custody." Natasha replies emotionless.

"Or you can answer them now." I stand out of my chair and grip the glass table tightly. I don't have to see my reflection to know my eyes are glowing their unnatural red, I can see it in everyone's weary gaze.

"Wanda. You need to calm down." Natasha says cautiously.

"I will not work with lies, I have done it before and it did not end well."

A pair of footsteps entered the conference room causing all of our heads to snap toward the new arrival. We all shared the same confusion as Tony Stark waltzed in. I say confusion because we have not seen him since the battle in Sokovia. He looks rough; his hair is a tousled mess, his usual stubble now a full grey and black beard, his cheeks are sunken in as if he hasn't eaten, and his eyes have thick dark bags under them.

"Bucky Barnes-or his more famous name The Winter Soldier, an assassin- a cold blooded killer. He's the man that murdered my parents and the man S.H.I.E.L.D's been covering up for all because he's the old mans bff. If someone didn't hire Cheshire I probably would've called her myself."

His tone was icy cold and a dark tone laced is words that I have not heard from him before. I may not like Stark but he isn't a monster...have our first encounter been like this I may be thinking differently.

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