Chapter 7: What happened?

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A/N P1:

Warning, lots of cursing in this chapter.

————Elisabeth's POV:

Scarlet and I were out for a walk with Shelby. The puppy knew something was up and walked slowly beside Scarlet. I put my arm round my best friend.

"Want to be alone?" I asked her.

"No," sighed Scarlet.

We paused for a second. Then Luna came over. She looked like she had been crying.

"Are you okay, Luna?" I questioned her.

"Yes," said the oldest Cookson sibling. "I need to be strong. Oh, Scar! It's okay."

Scarlet ran to her sister and the girls hugged. She started crying again as Luna hugged her. Shelby stood by my side, looking at the Cookson siblings.

"Why is Scarlet crying again?" Came a voice from behind me.

I turned round to see Winter standing there. She looked pissed-off.

"They just lost their father, Winter," I said feeling annoyed. "How would you feel if Arianna and David suddenly died?"

Luna took Scarlet up the path, taking shelby with them. Winter looked at me.

"How dare you say that to me!" She glared at me.

"Er ... Winter," I said. "I just saying that Scarlet's feeling shit right now!"

"I don't care," snapped Winter. "All fucking summer it's I'm worried about my daddy! I'm sick of it."

She glared at me.

"And you and Glacier aren't making it better."

"Leave me and Glacier out of it," I said as calmly as I could..

"Why should I?" Asked Winter. "Oh and that weirdo Wolfie!"

I heard Scarlet wailing in the distance and felt angry.

"I thought you loved Scarlet," I said. "I thought you cared. But clearly not! And how dare you call Alaska a Weirdo. She's not one."

"You are a right strange Bitch!" Winter yelled at me.

Stay calm, Elisabeth. I felt anger creep up my body. Then someone walked out of Sparkle house.

"What's going on here?" Asked George walking up to us. "I heard a lot of yelling."

We both turned to him. Winter didn't even let me talk.

"She's a bitch because she's sticking up for Scarlet who is a bitch because she sounds like she's come from a fucking mourning service." She yelled.

I felt like slapping her. But managed to fight the erge. George could sense it.

"Elsa, honey," he said. "Go and find Scarlet and Luna! I'll take Winter to the head of care!"

"Why me?" Asked Winter as I walked away.

I couldn't hear George's reply. I got far away.


Glacier was playing tug with Button and Alaska was sitting in the room with her when I and Scarlet came back. Glacier looked concerned.

"What happened out there?" She asked. "Why the heavy breathing, Els?"

"Winter," I sighed. "Come in, Scar.

Scarlet came in, shaking like mad. I helped her to my bed and she lay down on it. Glacier didn't let go of the tug toy, but sighed.

"What happened?" She and Alaska asked together.

I explained how Winter proceeded to call us all names and was horrible to Scarlet. All through telling the girls this, I could see their expressions. Especially Glacier's.


A/N P2:

Here is chapter 7.

Sorry, but I wanted to make Winter a bit of a cow towards Scarlet and the others at the moment. Don't worry, she does calm down in later chapters. But for now, she is a mean girl in their group.

I feel sorry for Scarlet. Don't you?

Okay, Wolfie out!

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