Michelle Chapter 1 Pt 1

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Michelle smiled, satisfied at her get up. Her Louis Vuitton bag perfectly complimented her Stiletto heels, any one who caught even a glimpse of her will surely be impressed. Well, at least she assumed that. She walked with an air of confidence up to the renowned law firm carrying her black laptop case in one hand and a binder in the other. She sashayed through the doors just as a well groomed gentleman in his late 30s approached her. He introduced himself as Dr. Bapka one of the many assistants of the mastermind of this law firm: Ms. Tonia Aberton . Bapka guided her through the maze of passageways until she arrived at a grand glass door. She nearly flinched at the sight of the door, she felt that this interview may not be as perfect as she hoped. A crackling sound emerged from the right edge of the door then the glass panels slid open with ultimate silence. The sound of her new stilettos echoed along side Dr. Bapka's leather shoes, the silence was deafening and her new shoes seemed to dig into her ankles. A ringing voice abruptly stopped her train of thoughts. "My name is TOO-NEE-AH AR-BUR-TON, call me Ms. Tonia. " Michelle ' s head rotated 180 degrees to find the owner of the voice. She caught sight of her dressed in full Chanel Couture, matching flawlessly. It puts her Stilettos to shame.

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