Michelle Chapter 6 Pt 4

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"We have something to discuss of great importance" he continued without stopping for Michelle to protest "you may not believe what I say and you may try to escape from me but, I assure you all that I say is true" Michelle does not understand any of this, she urges him to go on. "I know information that even you don't know. You have a sister, a sister who is entirely different from you and lives in a different life but, you both will unite one day and change the world." "your sister needs your help desperately right this second. Your choices make up her fate." "she lives in a place where there aren't many opportunities in life. You must help her, make good choices because every choice you make affects your sister's life. " And with that, Gregory walks into the maze of streets without turning back. Michelle is overwhelmed by this new information and mysterious man. Should she trust him? Part of her advises her to take caution but, this man has a strange aura to him that dares her to trust every word he says. Her phone disturbs the deep and troublesome thoughts she was contemplating.
"hello? Michelle speaking. "
" Good evening, Miss Michelle
I would like you to work at my law firm. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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