Michelle Chapter 2 Pt 2

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The interview:
Tonia: Good afternoon, Miss Michelle. I am under the impression that you are here to apply for apprenticeship.
Michelle: Yes, that's correct
Tonia: You don't tell me what is correct, I do
Michelle: ....
Tonia: Why do you want to be my apprentice?
Michelle: You are a very influential women and I strive everyday to be better and more like you. I have great interest in law and this law firm is very prestigious.
Tonia: If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought it to you well done, what would you do?
Michelle: I would politely ask for my meal to be changed.
Tonia: What if you knew I changed your order intentionally?
Michelle:I would still change it Tonia: Interesting. You do know that my time here with you is very precious
Michelle: Yes
Tonia: So I do not tolerate people who waste my time.
Michelle: Yes.
Tonia: Thank you Ms. Michelle for coming today. Please leave. My assistant will notify your results shortly.

Michelle walks out of the office with tears welling up in her eyes. She had such high hopes, her stilettos dug deeper into her heel with every step and her tears no longer contained themselves and spilled onto her made up skin.

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