Elderia Chapter 4 Pt 2

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A man all clothed in black slowly walks through the fringe curtain. Elderia slows her pace and cautiously approaches her customer. He talks in a gruff voice behind the bandana covering his mouth "You have what I need, give me the goblet." Elderia's eye brows creased in frustration as she had absolutely no idea what the man was asking for. The man walks towards her and places both of his hands on her shoulders, he pushes her against the violet coloured wall and traps her between his two arms. He then repeats what he said "give me the goblet. " Elderia quickly ducks under his ripped arms and runs through the curtain away from he workplace and away from the mysterious man. The man chases her with loud foot steps but gets caught in her fringe curtain. He struggles to untie the smooth threads from his belt buckle, he screams in anger. Elderia was over come with fear, hot tears steam down her face like a fountain, but she let them dry on her face because Elderia was a strong women and nothing could change that. Little did she know the man was not mysterious at all, in fact this man was closer to her than anyone else .

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