Call Me!

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Senior year was already going to be the most dreadful year of Grian's life, he didn't need to be called into the principles office on the first day! He sat in the small square office, the white walls as blank as ever, aside from a huge corkboard behind the principles desk that housed millions of photos of students, teachers, groups of students and teachers, sports teams, the cast from the drama club, colourguard and the marching band during parades, cheerleaders, and of course, Boatem. Boatem was the school's rock band, everyone loved the kids in Boatem.

Luckily for Grian he lived with two of the members, Pearl his twin sister (keyboard), and Jimmy his younger brother (lead singer). Another stride of luck for Grian, he was best friends with the band's basest Mumbo. All of them were hugely popular, it was dumb, really, it was. They just played instruments and sung covers of songs that were mediocre at best. The only song that Grian thought they did well was Zombie by The Cranberries, and that was only because they played it so often it was like second nature.

The principal finally walked in, jolting Grian from his thoughts.

"Good morning Mr. Void, did you find your classes ok?" Mrs. Floyd asked.

Speaking of people Grian hated, Mrs. Floyd was one of them.

"Well I've only been to one class since you randomly ushered me into your office," He responded, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms.

"Right...." She trailed off, "Grian, have you thought about an extracurricular to join this year?" She asked.

Grian shook his head, "No," He said.

"Ok, well I hate to tell you this but...if you don't join some sort of extracurricular you won't be able to walk with your class," That got Grian's attention, he shot straight up.

"What?! But I have straight A's in all my classes!" He exclaimed.

She looked at him regretfully, "Yes, but the state requires you to do at least one extracurricular or you can't graduate,"

"This has to be a joke," He stared in disbelief at the principle, mind racing.

"Unfortunately it is not, and if you have not joined or participated in any after school activity by the Winter Showcase you'll have to stay back a year."

Grian stood up grabbed his backpack and left, he couldn't believe it! How could the school force their students to do a stupid extracurricular activity?! That sounded like hell! He walked into Astronomy and sat beside Pearl, dropping his bag on the ground next to him. Pearl looked at him concerned but before she could speak the class started.


"It's so dumb!" Grian complained at lunch, sat with Mumbo, Joel, and Martyn, "If I don't join a stupid team or some sort of Arts program I'm toast!"

"My offer still stands for Football," Joel sing-songed.

Grian glared at Joel, "I am not kicking a ball around in a dumb jersey and shorts that have our schools logo on them!"

"Oh come on G! Tryouts are this Friday and I'm sure you'd be good if you tried!" Joel said cheerfully.

"Not. Happening." Grian responded.

"What about Drama?" Martyn suggested, "We're always looking for new people!"

"Ew no. Pass." Grian said.

"You are impossible!" Mumbo said, laughing.

"Guys what do I do?!" Grian put his head in his hands, he really wanted to graduate but he just didn't like teams of people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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