Chapter twenty-six

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Romans POV
I slammed the car door shut and sighed before the engine revved and started up. My hands grasped the steering wheel tightly and I took a deep breath before driving to the place of hell.
I looked around at a sight of misery, there was blood everywhere presumably AJ's. There was clothes lying everywhere and the furniture was just thrown in, I sighed. No one should have to live in a home like this. I Started looking through all the drawers hoping AJ left something that would tell me what to do. My hands pulled through everything and looked in every nook and cranny but still found nothing.

I had looked everywhere and I was getting ready to give up when my eyes reverted to the closet. A medium bag slightly showed and I ran over to it, it was the only thing in the whole house that was carefully put away. AJ's duffel bag. I almost immediately opened it and started looking through it. I pulled everything out of it but again I found nothing. I sighed and leaned against the wall in annoyance. Slowly I stood up to leave but something white in the dresser caught my eye and I made my way over to it. It was a small white envelope with the name Roman scribbled on it. As it was addressed to me I made the wise decision to open it.

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