Chapter twenty-seven

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Paige's POV

I had sat in the rain for about three hours thinking about what I could do and in all that time my blood was boiling. Anger was filling up in me and I was going to do something I regretted pretty soon. My hand slid into the back pocket of my jeans and I pulled out my cell phone, i called the third person on my speed dial.
"Paige why are you crying, are you okay"
"Um no actually I have something to tell you, can you meet me for coffee"
"Of course, bye"
She had already hung up before I could say bye so I just put my cell phone back and started heading towards the coffee shop. The walk was slow and painful but my anger was still bottled up and I knew that soon enough someone else would help me with my plan.

Sorry it's short but I'm not good at Paige's POV

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