- 10 : takeoff

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Soft wind flows through the window, tickling his cheek. Boboiboy is partly awake, with his half lidded eyes and the attention span of a kid with toys. He musters up the courage to get up from his matress.

Birds are chirping warmly against his window, the sun has yet to rise up from its slumber. Boboiboy takes this as an oportunity to prepare himself for today's activities.


Speaking of today's activities, he still hasn't found a way to go back to his normal world.

He has a few theories on why this hasn't happened, one of them being he has to help his counter part(-s) to achieve each one of their goals. He reached to this conclusion a few days ago, during one of his talks with Api, it felt as if this was his destiny.

He was destined to help them.

Just to go back to normal.

Isn't that selfish?

But if he doesn't want to help them, he becomes the selfish one.

A lump forms in his throat. It seems that he has to face the reality even in another universe, how miserable can this get?

He swallows that invicible lump, continuing to head down stairs, doing his 'usual' morning routine of helping Tanah make breakfast for the rest of the family.

Though, when he reaches down stairs, he did not expect a kitchen empty, not even Tok Aba is in the living room.

Suprisingly enough, he got up earlier than Tanah did today.

That's odd.

He checks the clock, 04.00 in the morning.

That's the usual time Tanah wakes up.

What's more odd is that it's been quiet, he doesn't hear a single thing, Cahaya doesn't usually sleep in this hour, he's probably wide awake, working on something and make some noise.

But Boboiboy doesn't hear a thing.

That's okay, Cahaya's probably just tired. He shouldn't be worrying about that.

What's most important right now is to wake Tanah up.

As soon as he takes a step and turn back, he hears a whisper, not audible enough for him to hear what it's trying to say.

What is it? who's whispering? He needs to warn the oth-

"Do—n't g0 w-ith t-hh em, yøU can't trr—"


The voice is gone. Where did it go? what happened?

Boboiboy looks around, confusion fills his thoughts. His eyes wandering around for a hint, what was that voice?

He blinked, his hand reaches for his head, it feels like his whole world was spinning, heck, even the multiverse was spinning. He closes his eyes tightly.

Oh God, Tanah, Tok Aba, anyone, please help him. Please wake up.

Just as he was about to open his eyes, he hears a familiar voice.

"Boboiboy? What are you doing so early?"


Boboiboy opens his eyes, Tanah is infront of him, he's okay, he's safe. Boboiboy can't help but smile.

"Tanah, good morning. I woke up earlier so i can help you make breakfast for everyone, but it looks like i was too early" Boboiboy grins as he says it.

Tanah lets out a huft "You can wake me up anytime, okay? I wouldn't want you to be waking up so early just for me to not be awake too"

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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