3. MAKI: Applying to Work as a Human Pillow

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Maki twisted the hem of her favourite floral skirt, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering in a frantic ballet. Fresh out of high school, the idea of a job, any job, was thrilling. Yet, standing in the pristine lobby of SleepCompanions, her confidence began to unravel.

Across the sleek reception desk, a woman with a warm smile beamed at Maki. Her smile faltered slightly, then blossomed anew. "Maki Tanaka for the interview?" The woman's voice was light and friendly. But Maki couldn't tear her eyes away from the uniform. A soft, emerald green thong leotard hugged the woman's curves, leaving little to the imagination.

"Y-yes," Maki stammered, her cheeks burning. The company handbook had mentioned a "uniform," but it hadn't mentioned...well, this. Apparently, the "uniform" applied to everyone, not just the SleepCompanions themselves. The receptionist, seemingly oblivious to Maki's discomfort, gestured to a seat. "Have a seat, dear. Ms. Lee will be with you shortly."

Maki sank into the plush chair, acutely aware of every exposed inch of leg around her. Two women walked by, engrossed in conversation, both clad in the same revealing uniform. Briefly, Maki considered bolting out the door. This hadn't been what she envisioned. Her dream job wasn't supposed to involve public exposure of such a personal nature.

But the thought of returning home, jobless and facing her parents' disappointed faces, spurred her on. Taking a deep breath, Maki focused on the job itself. Helping people sleep - that sounded gentle, and kind. Maybe the uniform was just...unconventional. Steeling herself, Maki resolved to see the interview through.

Just then, a woman with a nametag reading "Ms. Lee" approached. Unlike the others, she wore a white blazer over the leotard, offering a hint of professional formality. A wave of relief washed over Maki. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. With a newfound determination, Maki stood up, offering a shaky but hopeful smile. "Thank you for seeing me, Ms. Lee."

Ms. Lee led Maki through a glass doorway, the sterile silence of the lobby replaced by the gentle hum of conversation. Inside, women in the emerald leotards worked at computers, their movements efficient yet somehow calming. Maki couldn't help but steal a glance at each one, self-consciously tugging at her skirt.

  Maki couldn't help but steal a glance at each one, self-consciously tugging at her skirt

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Ms. Lee's office was a stark contrast to the starkness outside. Warm yellow light bathed the space, bookshelves overflowing with self-help titles lining one wall. Ms. Lee gestured to a plush armchair and excused herself for a moment. Reaching behind a curtain, she emerged, the white blazer gone. The sight momentarily stunned Maki. But as Ms. Lee settled into her chair, a different kind of warmth emanated from her, a warmth that put Maki at ease.

"Maki," Ms. Lee began, her voice gentle, "thank you for coming in. The job of a SleepCompanion is a unique one. We provide a service many find...unconventional. We believe human touch can be a powerful tool for relaxation and sleep."

Maki nodded, the butterflies in her stomach now replaced by a nervous hum. "I read about that in the company brochure."

"Excellent," Ms. Lee smiled. "But there's more. The uniform is an integral part of our philosophy. It signifies trust, vulnerability, and a commitment to creating a safe space for our clients."

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