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Burger Queen is so overrated.

That didnt stop Camila from gobbling up those fries.

Anyways, after the group finished eating, they decided to explore the town. They did all sorts of stuff. Go on a horse-drawn carriage, visit a bunch of historical stuff, get their faces painted. Y'know, the whole shebang.

The face painting was definitely Camila's favorite part. Taylor was actually the one that suggested it. She got real excited when she saw it. Camila got a bunch of little pink and white flowers scattered around her face. She vaguely remembered what everyone else got, but she Ashlyn's stuck out the most. She got white musical notes painted on her cheekbones.

She looked really pretty.

"We have forty minutes left," Taylor started, looking at the time on her phone. "Guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then—"

"Excuse me!" That sounded like a woman's voice. "Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed House?" Okay, that sounded a little suspicious.

"A group cancelled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested?" Okay, very suspicious. This was beginning to sound like a cliche horror film.

"Wait really?! This place is supposed to be really haunted! Lets go!" Hey, atleast Taylor was excited. Camila wasn't so sure though, this whole thing just sounded really strange to her. I mean, who just walks around handing out free tours?

Camila leaned into Logan's ear. "She's definitely a con-artist. She's gonna rob us when we least expect it." Okay, maybe she was being a little dramatic, but still! You never know!

Logan just looked at her with a nervous smile. "Well, maybe not—"

The others cut him off, agreeing to go to the Sorrel Weed House. Then, Camila and Ashlyn's eyes had met. They both gave eachother the look. Like they both somehow knew that something bad would end up happening.

Camila could've sworn she saw the woman giving them a sinister grin.

Anyways, as they entered the house, Camila noticed that Ashlyn looked a little uneasy. She put a hand on her shoulder, silently asking her if she was okay. Ashlyn gave her a nonchalant nod.

The tour was exactly what someone would expect. Just a bunch of talk about how old and supposedly cool the place was supposed to be. Apparently almost everything in the house was original, apart fron the paint and furniture.

In the middle of her tour, the lady that brought them there had to pick up a phone call. She explained that it was "super important' and how she'd be "right back" and to continue exploring.

"Well, that's super professional." Tyler commented sarcastically. Wow, the jerk could actually be funny sometimes. Logan spoke up. "I-I don't think that's professional...".

Tyler gave him a weird look. "I was being sarcastic."

"Oh. Right."

Taylor didn't seem to care though, the loveable dork. "Eh, an emergency is an emergency." She shrugged. All of a sudden, there were stars in her eyes. "It'll be way more fun to explore on our own anyway!"

Taylor had this was of always being able to bring up a person's spirit. Heck, even Logan looked a little excited.

The self-done tour was a little boring. All they'd done was look at rooms and musty-smelling furniture. It was funny when Aiden practically flew down the stairs, though.

As they excited the building, Ashlyn was beginning to look more and more uncomfortable. Heck, even Tyler, as big of a jerk as he is, noticed it. He was very clearly glaring at her.

"Why is she wearing earplugs?" Wow, this guy's direct. But honestly, Camila wanted to know too. All of a sudden, Aiden came out of nowhere. "Ah! I thought they were wireless earbuds?!"

Ashlyn visibly cringed when Aiden said that, like the volume of his voice was bothering her. "They're earplugs. I wear them because of my sensitivity to...sounds..." Ashlyn had started to trail off.

It looked like she was staring off at something, but whatever it was, Camila couldn't see it. Of course, Aiden didn't pick up on any of this. "Oops. My bad. I thought they were for music."

Ashlyn looked really, really nervous. Almost scared. Like she was looking at her worst nightmare.

"Oh, that room looks cool!" Then Taylor's eyes landed on Ashlyn. "You alright Ashlyn? You look pale." She was right, Ashlyn did look pale. She was practically sweating bullets.

A few beats of silence past.

"I'm fine." Ashlyn declared, shoving her earplugs back in.

She didn't look fine though. She looked scared.

All of a sudden, out of the corner of Camila's eye. She noticed a figure. A putch black figure with a large, crooked grin and beady white eyes.

It was terrifying.

Apparently, Ashlyn hadn't seen it, but the rest of then did. Ashlyn noticed the silence and turned to them.

"A-Ashlyn..." Logan sputtered out. "Behind you..."

And there it was. That terrifying creature practically lurched onto Ashlyn.

Ashlyn had let out the most blood-curdling scream Camila had ever heard. Ashlyn had fallen to ground in surprise, landing with a thud. She looked around for it frantically, but it was gone.

"Where'd it go?"

"What was it?"

"I-I don't see it anywhere."

"One of the ghosts maybe?"

Of course Aiden had the biggest, smuggest grin written on his face. Seriously, could this guy not pick up on social ques or something? It was getting concerning.

Then Tyler, in typical jerk fashion, jumped in. "Are you guys dumb?" Wow, starting off with an insult. What a great way to get people to listen to you. "Ghosts aren't real, this is just some stupid prank."

"A prank?" Someone questioned.

"Obviously. A group conveniently cancels a reservation, and our guide just so happens to have an excuse to leave?" Okay maybe the idiot was making some sense. "Then, when we're all alone in a 'haunted' house we have a scary encounter? Immediately after said 'scary encounter' The thing just disappears before we can confirm or touch it?" Ugh, Camila hated to admit it, but the guy had a point.

"Well, I mean—"

"Yeah right. This is definitely a set up for some sort of reaction video to make money. They probably have cameras and a projector hidden someone."

"Okay, calm down Mr. Detective—"

"Screw you and your idiotic video! For the record, you don't have our permission to use our reaction!"

"Okay, Tyler it's not even all that deep." Camila tried to reason, though she made a point to be a little mean about it.

"Not that deep? Y'know, you've realy been pissing me off lately. You were scared at first, I could tell, and now you're telling me it's not that deep? You're a total bi—" Taylor cut him off before he could any further.

"Tyler, knock it off. She didn't mean anything by it."

Tyler looked at his twin for a second then grabbed her wrist.

"C'mon Tay, we're going back to the bus."

Logan tried to stop them, telling them to wait, but to no avail.

And with that, the twins were off.


𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖-𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘽𝙪𝙨 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙧𝙙 | Various! CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now