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Camila was in serious trouble.

She heard shouting, it sounded like her friends. She looked up at the balcony, and loe and behold, it was them. But they looked scared.

Ashlyn shouted from the motel balcony. "Camila, behind you!" Camila lookdd behind her and saw that same horde of monsters charging at her.

Ashlyn continued on. "Get up here! As fast as you can!"

It took every ounce of strength Camila had in her body to force herself to walk faster. She was finally able to break out into a sprint. It hurt so bad, like her entire leg had caught fire and then some.

On the way up, she took off one of her slippers and shot it at the horde, which bought her a couple seconds of time.

She raced up the stairs and hid behind another vending machine. And the horde raced by her. Now her friends were in even more danger.


She needed to think of a plan, and fast.

She pushed the last of her money into the vending machine and punched in the numbers. She got all sorts of soda cans to use as distractions.

She put them in the hood of her onesie and quietly crawled up the stairs.

On the otherside, Ashlyn and Ben were busy tying strings to a pole, in order to buy themselves a little time to run.

"Two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's gonna keep it closed!" Tyler complained.

Honestly, the guy was right to complain.
The pole looked like it could break if you tugged on it a littls too hard, and the strings they were using were literally the draw strings from their shorts. But hey, better than nothing.

"Maybe not," Ashlyn was concentrated on her task. "But it'll stay close long enough for Ben and I to make a run for it. You guys go!"

"But what about Cam-"

"I said go!" Ashlyn shouted. She was worried about her too, but there was nothing they could do right now.

Tyler sucked his teeth, then grabbed Taylor's hand. Logan joined them. They made a run for their room a few doors down.

Aiden, on the other hand, stayed behind. He grabbed the piece of string that Ashlyn was holding. "I'll tie this end, you tie the other to the pole."

C'mon, hurry up.

As they tied the last string to the pole, Ashlyn shouted out. "Run!"

The group of monsters rounded the corner while the one in the room broke through the makeshift barricade.

Crap, Ashlyn thought, it's gonna catch us.

Then, she had an idea.

"Aiden! Ben! Move out the way!"

She grabbed the motel cleaning cart and swung it at the lone monster. But it recovered quickly, it moved to grab Ashlyn with it's sharp claws.

Aiden was quicker though. He grabbed a chemical spray bottle from the cleaning cart.

"Yknow...This could be fun." He taunted.

He restrained the monster by the wrist and sprayed the chemicals. The monster got irritated and held its face in pain. But it made no noise.

"Lol. Why isn't it screaming?" Aiden was treating this like some sort of game.

Ashlyn, on the other hand, disagreed. It was definitely screaming.

𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖-𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘽𝙪𝙨 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙧𝙙 | Various! CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now