chapter 4:New life

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Alikainat912,xoxo bunny,,,thank you for following
I have uploaded a video on the three girls.
Chapter 4:New life
In class
(Yunah found an empty locker beside hers)
Yunah:this clearly shows that there is a new student,,,,, whatever (lator her pals enters the class)
Andrew: today its gonna be a long day
Mike: am not sure if I will attend lessons because I am tired
Alexa: I told you not to over drink.
Winsley: the lesson is almost starting so let's settle
Later Mr Fadrick entered the class
Mr Fadrick: hello class,,as you can see,A new student would like to join you,,,he is also my son ,,let him introduce himself
???:hello,,, my name is Clive I come from Florida hope we will get along..
Mr Fadrick: there is an empty seat there make yourself comfortable
(Clive went and sat where Yunah was. But he didn't notice .Moreover,, Yunah was busy in Instagram as usual.when the bell rang,,,, she saw that her new deskmate was Clive)
Yunah: (flashbacks and remembered Clive at the party) You!what the hell are you doing here??
Clive: why did you come to school?
Yunah: look ,,I don't have time to argue with you,So f*ck the ride off.
(As she was passing,, Yunah accidentally stepped on the strings extensions of Clive's bag and slipped. Before falling down ,,Clive caught her,,almost kissing her. his right hand held her by the waist,,and this other one was on her boob. Fear seized Yunah. She closed her eyes thinking that she would fall. Her long black eyelashes attracted Clive making him to stare at Yunah for sometime)
Clive: are you okey(still holding her)
(Andrew took a picture from a distance)Yunah: yeah,,thank you let me go now
Clive: Be careful next time
Yunah: you are the one who should be careful. If it were not for your bag ,,I wouldn't have slipped.(and she left the class)
(Clive wasn't able to respond,,the way he held her,,,her tender and soft breasts made him realize that her had feelings for her)
Andrew: (he was hiding behind the door)wow. That was nice Clive,,, how do you feel?
Clive: I.... I don't know
Andrew: what do you mean you don't know? You love her right?
Clive: um...I think so
Andrew: And why are you denying it?(he sends him a picture which he took from a distance) see you look gorgeous together
Clive: woow(staring at the pic)this girl is more beautiful than I thought. maybe this marks the beginning of my new life.
Andrew: just be nice to her and all will be well.Let's go,,,its music classes

In class
Clive: (he found Yunah reading the music book)hey what are you doing?
Yunah: which kind of question is that? And make sure you find you find another place to sit. Because I ain't comfortable with you.
Clive: look am trying to be nice to you and...
Yunah: what is always wrong with you?his leave me alone.(she picked her books and walked away. But suddenly the book fell down. Coincidentally they all bent to pick the books and their heads bumped.) Ouch!what is wrong with you?
Clive: am sorry I didn't mean to(as they both stood,,,Yunah's hair coiled at Clive's neck chains)
Yunah: jeez(as she tries to uncoil her hair. Little did they know that their friends were watching through the window)
Clive: (trying to help Yunah by pulling his chains but the more he did..the more he brought Yunah closer to him)Yunah I have a crush on you.
Yunah: (avoiding him)I thought you were helping me out(Andrew took a picture as usual)
Andrew: wow,look at them ,,almost kissing
Alexa:let's go don't distract them
(Before they left Yunah and Clive found them looking at the pic)
Yunah: why are you all exited,,,,,, what going on?(there was a pin drop silence)Alexa....guyz speak up
Winsley: umm..I will show you(she sends her the to o pics which Andrew took)please don't be angry..
Yunah:wow,so you guyz think I am in love with this asshole?he is only my friend nothing more
Alexa:we know you love him but keep denying it.
Yunah: Alexa what do you know about love??
Alexa:more than you coz what you know is just......
Mike: hey hey girls,,,,,, enough let's play tennis in the field

In the field
(Alexa's words touched Yunah a lot. She was sitting alone watching her friends play)
Andrew:your turn Yunah
Yunah: am not good at it
Andrew: practice makes perfect girl
(She serves the racket ball to Andrew without aiming. The ball hit the person who was leaning on the post busy with phone. The person dropped the phone and fell down in pain)
Yunah: (running to help the person) am sorry ,,are you hurt?
???:my head hurts a lot.
Yunah: wait,,,Clive?(she took his phone and saw the pics)so this is what you have been looking at?all that time??
Clive:, my head hurts a lot and you are just standing there?
Yunah:, let help you(as she helped Clive to stand ,,,she stepped on the racketball an slipped again.. on Clive's chest)
Clive: (her stares at Yunah who was unable to maintain eye contact) I knew you had no heart.
Yunah: ssssh everyone in the field is watching us
Clive:(with lustful eyes) let them watch me me kiss you.(pulling her closed r to kiss her)why can't you admit that you love me?
Yunah: (avoiding his question) let's go to the nurse
Clive: I can't
Yunah:why not
Clive: because you are on top of me
Yunah: oww yeah ,let's go(she stands,,,and they both walked together holding each others hands)
Mike: wow,,that was...
Alexa: romantic?
Mike: Yeah

A/N:if this chapter and characters resembles you relationship,,,,, kindly vote,,,, and also comment

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