chapter 7:The flight

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                   In Tokyo ,Japan
Officer:Here is your identity card
Kikie: Thank you
Officer: owww and your visa
Jake:wow,,I can't believe you are a grown up now,,,but don't forget that am older than you
Kikie:come on dude,,at least am over 18now,,,let's go home and prepare for tomorrow's flight
Jake: yeah,,,I almost forgot, let's go,,,,
              At their home
Jake:have you prepared everything
Kikie:yeah everything is sorted
Jake: remember tomorrow we have a flight at exactly 10:00am.
Kikie:,of course I remember,,,
Jake: so what's for dinner?,,
Kikie: don't order food today,,,because I prepared,,, dinner,,,chicken pizza
Jake:what,,,, chicken wat?
Kikie: pinching him) everyday,,, you must have pessimistic compliments about my cooking,,,, just go at the dining table and wait to be served
Jake:what if we eat while watching a horror movie?
Kikie: great idea,,,
Jake: Then do the necessary...
Kikie: Am on it(she went to the kitchen and brought the pizza,,, they ate together,,, as they watched "evil dead" before going to sleep.

                       In Miami
Fadrick: (after ringing several door bells,,, He entered the house and found Mayah watching tv)is this how you welcome your husband?is that how you did to Harrison?
Mayah:first of all,,,I hate you,,,and am not your wife,,,don't forget that am here because of my family wishes.
Fadrick: But I also love you,,,Mayah,,,I took care of you when you were in the hospital,,, remember?
Mayah:why did you love of a sudden,,,is it because you....
Fadrick:(in anger)Mayah  stop this,,,stop questioning me,,,and bring my dinner upstairs
Mayah: sort yourself Fadrick
Fadrick:(almost slapping Mayah)how dare you talk to me like this?
Clive:, (from up stairs) stop it dad,,,for how long will you continue treating her like this,,,,
Mayah: do you know that I respect your son more than I respect you?
Fadrick:, how does  it concern me,,, now that you respect him?
Mayah: that clearly shows how damn and stupid you are ,,,Fadrick
Fadrick: look Mayah,,,,I don't want people to know that am not treating you well,,,,so I think its better if we end this,,, (he went upstairs,,, in his room)

            In the morning
Alarm rings
Mayah:wake up boy,,time for school.
Clive: it is so early,,, give me just five more minutes
Mayah: remember what I told you,,,,"the warmer the blanket,, the colder the future"
Clive: alright,,,am up miss Mayah
Mayah:you can call me Mayah,, or mum
Clive: mom sounds great .
Mayah:okeyy hurry up ,,,breakfast is on the table
Clive: okay let me freshen up (Mayah then left the room,Clive freshened up ,took breakfast and went to school)

                       In class
Winsley: hey Clive,,,you look so exited today,,what's up
Clive: can you believe I just called Yunah's mom ,"mom"
Clive: she is the best mom in the world,,, Yunah must be very proud of her.
(Lator ,,Centra entered the class and went straight to his seat)
Andrew: I don't know how Centra changed off a sudden
Mike: maybe,,these girls,,,,money ,,fame,,,,have a contribution.
(As They,,,made jokes ,,they laughed ,,,making Centra to feel irritated)
Centra: Hey Clive,,, whatever I do,,just mind your business.
Clive:absolutely,,, there is no where on earth am going to....
Centra: I told to mind your own business .
              Soon the bell rang,,,it was 12:00
Godfrey: hello ,,students
Students: morning
Godfrey:so yesterday I left an assignment,, and I believe you discussed,,,, so lemme hear your opinions.
(The principal's secretary, entered the class,,,to introduce two new students,,, a girl and a boy)
??:Hello,,, my name is Jake,,, I come from Tokyo.I hope  will get along together.
??:hello,,, my name is Kikie,,I also come from Tokyo..
Godfrey: welcome,,,, you may take your sits and let's proceed with the lesson.
(In class,,,there was only two empty seats,,, one at Clive's,,, and the other at Palmyra's)
Clive's POV:,(she stared at Kikie's walking style as she tiptoed to her seat.)Yunah,, is this you?
Centra's POV: OMG,,,This girl looks exactly like Yunah,,,,, how comes she.. Argh
Winsley: (whispering) hey  Alexa,, she looks exactly like Yunah.
Alexa:Yunah doesn't wear this type of clothing
Winsley: come on,,look at her.
Andrew: of course she looks exactly like her,,her walking style,, her long black hair,,, but the fact is that Yunah is dead,,,
Mike: your right Andrew,,, she is gone.
Godfrey: okey students,,, let us hear from our visitors,,, yes Kikie,,,what do you do when someone betrays you?
Kikie: just take revenge,,, you know,,,
(Every student stared at her,,,her voice resembles Yunah's)
Centra's POV:is this a ghost or something?
Godfrey: Centra,,, please concentrate
Centra: can I visit the washroom
Godfrey: yeah sure.
Centra: (he went and called his boss)
Hello boss,,Yunah is back...
Boss:are you insane,,,,she is dead
Centra: I saw her,, she is in class,,,, boss plz believe me.
Boss:Have you taken illegal substances?
Centra: no ,,but if you don't believe me ,,,come and see for yourself
Boss:look ,,,I don't have time for this non sense,,(he hangs up the phone)
Centra: hello,,,hello,,,,,argh,,,,(he went back to class)

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