Chapter 8:Carbon copy

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Bell Rings
(At the Hall way,, everyone was staring at Kikie and Jake,,,,their mode of dressing was different,,, they all wore black,,,,like Mafias)
At the coffee table
(Clive together with his friends joined Kikie and Jake)
Clive: Hey guyz,,my name is Clive and these are my friends, Winsley, Mike,and Andrew, We would like to know you more.
Kikie: What for?
Andrew: Just a request,, we would like to be your friends.
Kikie: if you would mind,,,please exuse me.
Mike: go ahead.(She went and left Jake at the table)
Clive: so ,,what do you say Jake?
Jake:(after a long silence)sure,,,friends
Clive: Thank you, (Jake also left and followed Kikie. Clive and the others followed him at a distance,,, where they headed at the parking Area)
Alexa:Guyz,,are sure this is right?
Winsley: why can't you just,,look at that car
Mike: I didn't think these guyz are rich like this,,,a remote car,,,,its not yet in market here in Miami.
Andrew: This perfectly shows that this girl is not Yunah
Winsley: okay I think we should go to class,,,,
Clive: Andrew,,am sure this is Yunah.
Andrew:Bro I know how it feels,,,to lose someone you love,but this is not Yunah,,, even if they look alike its not her.
Clive: But..
Andrew: Clive,, please,,let's go.(but his words didn't convince him)

In the remote car
Jake: Kikie stop crying.
Kikie: this task is very hard Jake.
Jake: look,,(wiping her tears)I believe we can do this,,,Think of your mother,,,, maybe she is alive and waiting for you.
Kikie:what if they know my identity?
Jake:they will not,,, baby girl,,, because am here with you always,, trust me.
Kikie: I love you so much,,,thank you for everything.
Jake: now,,let's go,,,its swimming lessons,,, will you swim?
Kikie: sure

At the swimming pools
(Jake and Kikie were swimming at the same pools )
Kikie: you won't defeat me this time..
Jake: then swim faster
Clive: hey Kikie,, can join you?
Kikie: sure(they all swam together,,as they were swimming,,Clive saw that Kikie had the same soft spot at her neckline just like Yunah.)

in classs
Clive: so Kikie,,, where do you live?
Kikie: umm I don't know the house address but Jake does.
Clive: are you and know,,, dating.
Kikie: Why do you ask.
Clive: I saw you together,,, hugging in the car.
Kikie: were you spying on us?
Clive: no,,,I just ask asked you a question.
Kikie: he is actually more than a friend,,,
Clive: mmmh,okay...
Kikie: okey time to go home,,,bye see you tomorrow.
Clive: Bye(she hugged her,,,and almost kissing her...)
Kikie: umm friends,, right.
Clive: ow yeah,,,sorry,,I guess I over reacted.
Kikie: bye.
In Clive's Home
Clive:(hugging her)Hey mum,,,today was the best day of my life
Mayah:what happened,, because you normally get exited,, when you go parties.
Clive: I have a new deskmate in school, her name is Kikie.
Mayah: Kikie? Nice name
Clive:she looks exactly like... (He remembered that Yunah's death caused complications on her health,,,so she didn't want to cause more stress on her)
Mayah: hey son ,,,she looks exactly like?
Clive: like,, like,, like an angel
Mayah :if that's what is making you exited,,I can't blame you,now go and take a shower so that you can have your dinner before your father comes from work.
Clive: okay mum,,,see you later

In Kikie's home
Kikie: so I hugged him today,happy?
Jake: I can see you are making new baby steps,,,,,am proud of you.
Kikie: am starving,,, BTW ,,,Jake,,why did you buy such a big mansion?we are living just the two of us,,,,this house has everything,,, even a movie theatre,,,, and a home clinic..... Even I don't know where the kitchen is.
Jake: easy girl,,,, I wanted us to feel more comfortable,,,,
besides,,,tomorrow new workers,,,guards,,,and servants are coming.
Kikie:okeyy,,,, am starving,,,, is there any food or drink?
Jake:yeah,, let me bring you fresh apple juice.
Kikie: okey,,, how was your day,,, did you like the school?
Jake: jeez the school is fantastic.And that girl called Palmyra is awesome,,,, I think I have a crush on her .
Kikie: that is Centra's girlfriend
Jake: point of correction,,, "ex" girlfriend
Kikie: wow how did you know?
Jake: Palmyra told me,,,,,she is very good and intelligent to. And I think she will be our important tool in this mission.
Kikie: as in? I don't understand you
Jake: she will help us find out Centra's next move,,,and his weakness.
Kikie: about centra,,,I will deal with him.
Jake: I like your confidence.
Kikie: Thanks,,, am very sleepy now,,,,where is my room?
Jake: (laughing) you don't know where your room is?
Kikie: come,,on this house is big
Jake: okay,,,, its on the fourth floor,,,,with a silvery door knob.
Kikie: what,,,fourth floor,,,, are you serious,,,, you have to carry me upstairs.
Jake: not until you win,,,,catch me(so they played,,,pillow fighting,,,, hide an seek,,,and finally,,, Jake was defeated and carried Kikie to his room in a bridal style.)

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