chapter 5:The wrong turn

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So this is one of the most interesting chapter. I will just keep my mouth shut and let you read.

Chapter 5:The wrong turn
At the medical care
Nurse:here you go Clive
Clive: what are these for?
Nurse:these are supplements for reducing pain and these are sleeping pills
Clive:(feels a sharp pain in the head) ouch!!,,,,,I don't want these sleeping pills.
Nurse:But you have to take them.Besides, if you sleep,, Yunah is here to take care of you
Yunah: what??but that's not my work
Clive: I am like this because of you so you have to stay with.....
Yunah: (annoyed) argh..okeyy,,, take the pills
(So Clive took the pills and the nurse left them for privacy)
Yunah: are you satisfied now?
Clive: not yet,,you didn't admit
Yunah: and I won't
(As they continued talking,,, Clive fell asleep)
Yunah's POV: let me go,,, I will check up on him later.(as she was standing,, she noticed that Clive drifted off to sleep holding her finger). This guy is so clever. You are so cute when you are asleep. (She whispered these words looking at Clive's pink-red lips)
Clive: (after sometime,,,he woke up)Yunah,,, am very thirsty.(Yunah was asleep) Hey wake up.
Yunah:are you okeyy,,,,,, am very sleepy
Clive: thanks for your company,,, am feeling okey.
Yunah: you are welcome.(picked her phone ready to go)
Clive: can't you admit that I love you, For heaven's sake?(Yunah was silent) am damn serious yunah (getting up from bed)I sincerely tell you that my love for you is genuine and,, ouch!!my head hurts,, am dizzy
Yunah: (holding him)hey be careful. Just sit here and I will call the nurse
Clive: no,,,just tell me Yunah,, hit the nail on the head
Yunah: (closing her watery eyes)I love you Clive. I love you with all my heart. Am so sorry for......
Clive: ssshh That's what I wanted to here.(he hugs her)
Yunah: Am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Its all my fault.(Mr Fadrick entered the room)
Mr Fadrick: Clive ,,,,you heard her. Now its high Time for you to choose me or Yunah
Clive: (astonished) what do you mean dad? Have you been eavesdropping all that that time
Mr Fadrick: (laughing) of course I can't do that,,,,, I was teasing you.Yunah is a good girl. Anyway I came to... (He took a remote and turned on the TV) do that .
Yunah: (shocked)no,no,no,this can't be true(changing the channel)my mum's club is burning. I have to go. This can't be true.
Clive: am coming with you
Yunah: no,,,,I don't want to hurt you more (crying) am sorry (and she left)
Mr Fadrick: hey wait,,,,,, let me accompany you.(but Yunah had already gone)

(She arrived at the club,and found everything messed up,,,,many people were panicking for the flame was big,,,, but Yunah didn't care she attempted to enter the club several times until the fire brigade arrived)
Officer: hey watch out girl .....get out of here
Yunah: (crying) no please let me go I know my mom is there,,,,she needs my help.(she did not believe her eyes when the building elapsed)muuuuuummm nooooooooo!!!!(Yunah was very weak,,,,the fire brigade did their best but they could not save the club, but they managed to save some people.Yunah sat on the ground and leaned on the police car ,,,hoping that she will see her mom)

After sometime
Yunah:(she saw the first Aider's helping her mom who was unconscious) mom,,,,,(as she came closer,,tears rolled down her cheeks.Her mum had burns and she was unable to breath) please mum don't leave me. (As she was helping the first Aider's,,,,, she saw two dead bodies where other Aider's were doing postmortem. She went there and asked for the details of those bodies. She didn't believe to see cate cane was dead moreover she saw her dad's body,something she didn't expect. She looked at her Mom and her dad,Cate cane ,and other dead bodies then collapsed)

At the hospital
(Yunah woke up and found herself on a hospital bed there was a nurse who wanted to put medicine in her Drib)
Yunah: where are my parents? (Getting up from bed)mom,,,dad
Nurse:hey just relax you blood pressure is high
Yunah: you don't know what you are talking about. I have to leave. (She removed the Drib and left the hospital. The nurse tried to stop her but her efforts were all in vain)

Along the way
(Yunah was somehow dizzy but she struggled to walk. The thoughts about her parents and their whereabouts made her cry. She went to the club and found nothing important. She decided to go home.)
Yunah's POV: mom?dad?where did those people take you?
(Along the way,,a car stopped in front of her,,,,it was Centra)
Centra: why walking barefooted? Come on get in the car
Yunah: thanks
Centra:what happened,,,,, the club is all over the news?
Yunah: (crying) am done Centra,,,,am fucking done,,,,just take me home. I don't think I deserve to live (she saw a gun in the box where Centra keeps his car keys and pointed at her head crying)
Centra: hey no,,don't do that!(he stopped the car at very high cliff for he struggling to take the gun from Yunah) come on yunah,,, stop this bullshit(he finally got the gun and pointed at her)you really want to die???well and good(he shoots her right arm)
Yunah: (shocked) what the fuck has gotten into you ?
Centra: I want to kill you slowly and nice(he shoots her stomach)
Yunah: (she knelt down for she was in a city of pain and blood was oozing even through the mouth)wh...what wrong.... H..have I done
Centra: Yunah,,, I longed for your love,,, but you went ahead and fell in love with Clive? The scene which happened in the field is all over the internet. What ever I wish for,, I usually get,,, even though I didn't tell you how I feel for you,,,I didn't expect you to dissapoint me like this.
Yunah: let me t...tell you,,,Clive loves me,,,a,,lot and ...
Centra: Clive doesn't love you ,,,he has been playing behind your back but you,,,you were blinded with love and so does your best friends
Yunah: (she was in a pool of blood) so this is all ,,,,your fault?
Centra: (he shot her one more bullet) no,,Its all your fault,,,, I think its better if you accompany your parents, (he threw Yunah off the cliff and made a phone call) its done boss,,she is dead

A/N I have shed a lot of tears as I wrote this chapter,,,,,,why did all this happen? Did Yunah really die?was Clive's love towards Yunah genuine? Why did the club burn down?a lot of questions right?,,,,,so keep following up and don't forget to vote,,,and comment. And if you could be having some ideas on those questions,,, write them in the comments section and we will keep in touch.

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