dare 16 & ask 20 (what's going on with Renet and what's up with Karai)

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*the next day* *at 10:45am*

*it is midmorning Keke just woke up but just as she was about to get out of but bed she suddenly realize that she is bare and unclothed but then she put on a hot pink short sleeved shirt and black flannel pajama pants with a white bow at the front then went to Toffee's cage to find it empty*

Keanna: oh my god where'd she go?

*then Keke got out of the room and into the kitchen to get a stalk of celery to use as bait for her to get her but then she heard squeaks coming from the dojo she went in and hoped Toffee is not in Splinter's room since Keke knew that Guinea pigs are rodents like rats, as she went in she sees her guinea pig in front of her boyfriend*

Keanna: Toffee *chuckles* there you are morning sweetie

Leo: morning honey and don't panic i fed her

Keanna: *takes a bite of the celery* dang it, but thanks

Leo: whose the celery for?

Keanna: well it was for Toffee because i was using it as bait cuz what if she got out of the cage without me knowing

Leo: that's a smart move princess be don't worry she was with me this whole time, plus you helped me with Miracle and Yoshi a few times so i will return the favor

*just as Leo said this she blushed and thank him and then kisses his lips just then Renet came in the dojo*

Renet: hey guys I'm sorry to Interrupt your moment but i have crazy news 

Keanna: be right there *picks up toffee*

*in the living room*

*just then the turtles, April, Casey, & Keanna were in the living room to see Renet really excited*

Mikey: so what's up honey bunch?

Keanna: *sits down on the beanbag chair* what are you hiding behind you?

Renet: oh do yo really wanna know?

Raph: come on goldilocks we wanna know

Renet: okay *pulls a container from behind to reveal a brown and white guinea pig*

Keanna: what? you too?

Casey: where did you get him?

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