Why am I behaving in the manner of a stressed-out student even while on vacation? Because what happened to me and my uncle Sid will never be forgotten by me.

After that encounter, it’s been two weeks since I last saw him in person.

I’m sobbing uncontrollably, like there’s no future after that night. In my mind, I’m playing a game, hoping that he’ll come up to me and say that he’ll bring me flowers and apologize for what he did the previous night.

It took two weeks, and I haven’t been out of the house in that time yet. Why? as a result of my aversion to seeming as though I’m in financial trouble, especially given the arrogance of the maids at home.

"Sir Armani has left the building, Ms. Penelope," and my bothersome brother has arrived.

Open this door, Penelope, "kuya Armani remarked, while I heard Kuya Lawrence and ate Hynna and ate Freign in the other room.

To me, Kuya Armani is akin to a father figure. Pap and I are both really demanding people.

Freign, on the other hand, is referred to as the "black sheep" since she is a badass. She prefers to be involved in racing rather than business. To put it another way, she despises all things feminine. If he does change, it will be considered a miracle.

Ate Hynna is a representation of the Virgin Mary. She is an actress who is well-known in the industry. The man is genuinely in danger, but she isn’t in a relationship with anyone. The lover was unable to accept since she was preoccupied with her professional obligations.

While Brother Lawrence is similar to Brother Armani in appearance, he is extremely successful in business. Boys are responsible for the fact that DLG firms are growing in size every year.

The fact that I am nothing more than a last-born child does not deter them from expecting more from me, as if existence had no endpoint.

I always act with integrity, and I always come out on top. It’s almost perfect. Virtually everything I have is almost perfect.

Sid is the only one who isn’t in my collection. It is absolutely true that you won't be able to get what you want if you are almost perfect.

"What?" I inquired just before the door to my room opened, and my sister was holding the key to the door at the time.

"Can you tell me why you’ve been locked up in your child’s room all of a sudden?" Lawrence, my elder brother, inquired, and I simply shrugged and dashed away from the blanket to avoid the question.

"Simply go home and leave me alone," says the author. I have a lot on my plate and need to rest. So napping is keeping you occupied right now? "What a bizarre excuse, Penelope," Kuya Armani said, and I shrugged my shoulders and tried to ignore their presence in the room.

Penelope, we understand that you are maturing, but remember that you have a supportive family on whom you may rely. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and am trying my hardest not to cry. I’m aware of this, but I’m unable to communicate what is happening to me, and if they find out, I’m certain there is something much worse going on.

I know that I have the power to put a stop to this between me and my uncle, but I can’t deny that I am hoping that he will take the initiative to put a stop to this since he is the one in command. He is older than me, and he is getting more and more annoyed by how quickly I solve problems.

Don’t be alarmed; I’m just a little overjoyed with puppy love. When I said something, they went silent and then burst into laughter in unison.

Then brother Armani remarked, "I told you, it’s nothing," and I wrapped myself in the blanket once more and listened to what they were talking about. When it comes to solving problems, family is not always the best option.

In most cases, they make things worse until you comply with their requests, and when the consequence is failure, they continue to blame you and claim that it was all your fault.

It’s true, and it’s been proven.

It goes far deeper than puppy love, Penelope, in my opinion. "Are you certain?"

"Stop using deeper language here; you’re always deeper!" says the speaker. They ate it, and it irritates me every time they laugh at me for it. I’m at a loss for words as to why I’m acting this way. Is this a result of what Sid did in the past?

The impact of that individual is very different. Greetings! My name is Dela Fuentes, and I find it difficult to believe that the dreadful curse that befalls every woman who falls in love with Dela Fuentes may actually have an impact.

You’ll be put through the wringer.

Please disregard my presence. I also have a period sister, which is nice. Sorry for bothering you, but I truly want to be alone here. Please disregard my presence. The reason I’ll be returning from the fire is simply that I genuinely want to stay here and recuperate. " My sisters appear to understand me, and they have dragged my older brothers around the house, doing nothing but causing me irritation and giving me a headache.

Most of the time, they are utter nonsense and rarely take themselves seriously.

It’s only normal for boys to do so.

I let out a sigh of relief when they stopped talking and the whole room went quiet again.

It’s easier to relax when you’re alone and there’s no background noise to distract you. It is true that stillness may aid in the healing and alleviation of pain.

All I can do at this point is weep and point the finger at myself. To explain to myself why I have such strong feelings for him, first and foremost, it is absolutely forbidden and very impossible to notice me since I am a child.

Or it’s possible that I simply had high expectations. I erred in my interpretation of his goodwill toward me. Who is a reasonable person who would think what I’m thinking right now?

He’s just an uncle who wants to be close to his niece, and the fact that he has these sentiments is a blessing in disguise.

Perhaps following this season, I will require a fresh atmosphere that is free of poisonous poisons and stress. All I require is a new set of surroundings, new people, and a new setting for my own personal benefit.

Then I pick up the phone and dial Mama’s number.

I was feeling the chill of the wind when I discovered that the door to my balcony was just slightly open to the outside.

The fact that I’m alone and that my brother will never make it to that location when they make fun of me, who will pay the consequences, I gently move to the door and open it, only to find nothing. It’s nothing more than the city lights of Manila.

Beautifully serene surroundings.

"So, you’re in love with your puppy?" As soon as I heard a voice behind me, I covered my mouth to keep from yelling, "For you, it’s just a game, right Penelope?" I almost had a heart attack. Sid turned to face me, and now I am turning to face him. He appears to be worried and troubled.

He is depressed because of his eye bags.

I was taken aback by the sadness and desire that I saw in his eyes. It was obvious to me, even though he didn’t say it: "You can’t refute the fact that I owned you on the day you phoned me." "Penelope," says Sid, "I own every bit of you." No one can touch you because I am completely insane about your existence, and I pledge to God that you do not grow quickly. God knows how much I hesitate every time I come close to you, "biting my lower lip at every word he uttered to me."

Every syllable is sluggishly crawling.

I was completely unaware that I was drowning in his lips, which were slamming against mine.

There is nothing left for me to do but groan and immerse myself in his lips.

The Secrets of Penelope Dela FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now