4. ᴄʟᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ

21 1 0

It has been a long night for them, Jake and Sunghoon wouldn't stop bickering with each other once they got into Geonu and Heeseung's shared dorm.

While Ni-ki, Sunoo, Jungwon and even Jay are just too focused into each other. You could clearly tell that they're happy just by looking at their eye's.

"You know, that friends of yours are just too much for me to handle. Even mine is hard, so what made you think that it would be nice for them to meet each other?" The latter jokingly said as the other chuckled on what he just said.

"I didn't say that you should handle them, right? Besides, let them do whatever they please. Don't be too controlling sometimes, hm?" Geonu was offended and just shrugged in response.

"Wait, where's Jake and Heeseung?" Heeseung asked which made them look around the dorm searching for their presence, only for them to fail.

Geonu decided to go into the bathroom and Jake opened the door and surprisingly, he was panting and trying to catch his breath, with his lipstick smeared on the right corner of his cheeks.

"Hey, what happened to that?" The other looked at where Geonu was standing and they also saw how messy he looked, while Geonu was confused right in front of Jake as he noticed that Sunghoon's watch was in the sink. "Not in our dorm, Jake??!" He exclaimed as they saw the two were making out in their bathroom.

"Now what about the fact that you said, 'ugh i hate that bitch so much' and whatever you're saying behind his back?" Jungwon is clearly that confused, as are the others while they looked at the two. "Isn't that obvious? It just basically means they're already together, but they decided that 'maybe' it would be nice if they keep their relationship from you guys as they considered it a great idea" Jay explained while Jake's friends were baffled by what Jay had just said.

"Now, which one of you thought it was a great idea to hide a relationship, from everyon-" Sunoo was cut off as Heeseung and his friends said in unison that, "oh we know" which made the two confused as they never talked to anyone about each other except Jake hating on him.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember that I talked about him in any of you guys? So, how come you knew?" Sunghoon then asked and his friends looked at each other as they signalled Ni-ki to tell him,

Flashback ~

Sunghoon and Jake were cuddling at Heeseung's house since his parents left for a business trip, they're having the time of their lives like dancing, baking, and all lovey dovey things that couples usually do.

As they were eating cookies that they just recently baked, silence filled the room, but Sunghoon suddenly spoke, "Hey babe, don't take this the wrong way, but isn't it nice if we just tell them about our relationship?" The other was out of words, not that he doesn't want to announce it nor let people know, it's just that he's afraid that Sunghoon's family and friends wouldn't accept them for who they are.

"I don't know babe, I'm afraid they wouldn't accept who we actually are" Jake frowned at the thought of that, Sunghoon was about to say something but then his friends just burst into his living room making Jake run through Sunghoon's room before his friends could notice him.

"Your doors are unlocked man, be careful, oh and there's someone else's shoe outside your house, you got a visitor?" Jay asked as he pointed outside the window, meanwhile Ni-ki was confused as he saw someone else's foot ran all the way upstairs.

"Uhm, i bought it and i tried it! Apparently I forgot that it was still outside so yeah, I'll just go pick it up and go to my room. Eat whatever you please" Sunghoon reassured them as he quickly ran outside and went straight upstairs.

Flashback ends~

"So? What about it?" Jungwon was confused or should i say almost all of them except for the three of them.

"Let me finish my story okay, so as you went upstairs i saw that you have two plates in your counter, and you couldn't even stand cooking an egg so how come you can bake all of the sudden? And who do i know that loves to bake? Jake comes first in my mind, but I thought it was just a coincidence, not until i saw your wallpaper as you left it open. Revealing that you are actually in a relationship with Jake, that adds up by the fact that you don't even like pink, but i saw a pink coat and bag hanging at the corner of your living room that is color pink. Then, when we finally said goodbye i started telling Heeseung and Jay hyung, but remember when you guys were talking i was filming your whole house? I did that just so i could explain it to these two. To show them what pieces of evidence I have" Ni-ki explained and now it all made sense as they all nodded and could understand Jake and Sunghoon's secret relationship more.

"You know, if you guys are scared just because of those stupid assumptions of yours, especially you Jake, don't be." Geonu reassured the two of them as he pulled Jake into an embrace.

"But wait, so all of the things you said just a week ago are just fake so we wouldn't find out about your relationship?" Jungwon adds up and Jake only shook his head, signaling all of them that he actually told the truth about Sunghoon.

"Well, we had a fight last week, and then when i started telling you that i hate him, it was indeed true. He's frequently going out with this girl that is apparently his partner in a project they're currently working at, a week ago. I actually don't want to be in a club but since i know that he always hangs out there with his friends, i decided to plot my revenge by you know, making him jealous. I thought i would lose the games that I had planned, but instead, it was Geonu who got in trouble. I never thought about getting someone in trouble, I'm sorry, I know i shouldn't have done that kind of thing, but i wasn't gonna let my ego down if i texted him first or by talking to him first. That is the only plan i have in mind just so we could talk again after a few days of us having nothing to talk about rather than me bringing up that girl." Jake explained his side and Sunghoon touched the bridge of his nose as he kinda felt guilty for not reassuring his own boyfriend.

"I'm pretty sure you guys already made up in the bathroom, so I'm guessing there's no need to get emotional right in front of me nor hugging as a way of saying sorry" Sunoo playfully rolled his eyes Jungwon put his arm together making them as an 'X' to tease the two.

"Well, maybe we should call this a night then? It's already 2:30 am and everyone's tired" Geonu explained, all of them sighed in relief because there actually tired and someone finally said it.

Everyone finally went on their separate ways as they bid their goodbye's and went home.

The roommates are already done washing up and are prepping to sleep, "thank you about earlier" Geonu said before making his own way in his room, "Just remember what i said, you'll be fine" Heeseung onced again assured the younger as they chuckled and went on their own rooms.


- helooo lovesss, back again! Hoping that you guys love this newly published chapter of 'reconciliation' and of course as usual, if you have any suggestions on how I can improve myself. If you have any pending questions, kindly click into my profile and freely ask me.

Reminder ⚠️
- All of the things that happened in this chapter were all just in my imagination, I do this for fun, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Reconciliation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora