6. ᴛᴏᴏ ᴋɪɴᴅ

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It has been a month since they first met, and all that Geonu can say is that living with Heeseung isn't that bad after all. There may be some times that he could be stubborn, arrogant, and ignorant, he still has this vulnerable side that only few people knew.

They were currently on a short break from their school, it would take them about 1-2 weeks before the campus is completely renovated. Even though the school is temporary on hold, that doesn't mean they weren't doing anything, they have online classes everyday, but only for 5 hours a day.

To avoid being bored, Geonu joined Heeseung all the way through the gym he was going. Well, he didn't technically use any of the equipment in there, instead he just stayed there like it was a coffee shop or a playground that he could use his phone with. Also, taking pictures of himself in the mirror is the only reason why he came there.

"Stop it, Geo" Heeseung said panting as he looked at Geonu, the other didn't listen and continued on what he was doing, which obviously was taking pictures.

"You are not even working out and yet you're wearing that, change your clothes for god-damned sake" he added while he threw the shirt on Geonu, interrupting the other while he was busy with his own business.

"you're just jealous~" The other mumbled while Heeseung only watches him leave the room, then continuing what he was just doing later on.

After almost 2 hours and a half on lifting weights, he finally decided to stop and just continue tomorrow. As he was just packing up his bag, he remembered that Geonu left the room a couple of hours ago. He was curious so he decided to go and look for him.

But he was only welcomed in a room where Geonu was listening to a music while working out, he also saw that someone is taking pictures of him.

Heeseung was suspicious as the other people started to noticed the man too, he slowly approached Geonu while covering up his complete body before grabbing their bags and then leaving the gym.

"You said i should work out and i am working out earlier and then you stopped me and grabbed me all the way through your car, what's the catch?" The other annoyingly asked as he puts on his seatbelt.

"You should at least thank me for not letting that creepy dude take some pictures of you while you know, you're busy working out." The other said, by the tone of his voice, you could clearly tell he's annoyed by the action of the man earlier. "Besides, I'm already done and you went here with me. Who else would take you home?" He added.

"How does that count? And what do you mean by 'taking pictures' are you sure he is the one doing that? We might be mistaken" Geonu then tilted his head in a way of showing Heeseung that he was confused.

"You're just too blind, do you have any suggestions on where we could eat?" The other asked, Geonu puckered up his lips while thinking.

"I'm not quite sure yet, do you?" The younger asked, usually when Heeseung does that, he has something on his mind but he's just too shy to say it.

"Since we finished working out early for today, a breakfast at the newly coffee shop across our dorm would be the only choice." Heeseung finally made up his mind after a couple of minutes thinking, which made the younger laugh and just nod on what he just said, "Then let's go!" Said by Geonu as they went their way through the coffee shop.

After a couple of minutes, they're finally at the coffee shop and Heeseung occupied a seat for the both of them since Geonu insisted on ordering their breakfast.

While waiting for Geonu, he got a notification from his friends, which then distracted him and forget about the other. Minutes had passed and they were finally done talking, Heeseung then also realized that the younger isn't infront of him nor besides him. He started looking around until he laid his eyes onto the counter, where the cashier infront was trying to stop a man from getting close with, Geonu.

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