Chapter 20: The Ceremony

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Authors Note: I have a Spotify playlist for my book. I will link it here and will put it in the story where I song should be played. I hope you all enjoy that!
Username: kinsey✨
Playlist Title: pov: you're slowly falling in love with stephen strange


I feel Stephen place his head on my shoulder and turn his mouth to my ear.

"Y/n, we should probably get back to Kamar-Taj. We need to get cleaned up," Stephen whispers. His breath sends shivers down my spine.

"Yeah." I nod. "I guess we should," I respond. He lets go of me, and I pull back from him. I look up at his beaten and battered face, but he is still so handsome. I can't imagine what I look like right now. I don't want to imagine what I look like right now.

"First stop," Stephen starts as he touches his chest where the Eye of Agamotto sits, "is to return this to its rightful spot. I don't think it's the best idea that I keep wearing it around my neck." I give a slight smile.

"Good idea. We don't want to cause another war, now do we?" I ask sheepishly. Stephen chuckles. It's good to hear him laugh.

"No, we don't. That was enough for the day," he says.

"Enough for a day? That's enough for a whole year, maybe two," I respond. Stephen smiles.

"In this job, I have learned to expect anything because the unexpected will happen anytime, any day, anywhere."

"Yeah, I kind of get that now," I sigh. Stephen gives a sad smile.

"Welcome, to life as a wizard," he says. I look at him in shock.

"No way you just said that." I start laughing. His face brightens up.

"Isn't that what we are?" He laughs back at me.

"Okay, Doctor Stephen Strange, Wizard of the Mystic Arts." I place a hand on his chest in laughter.

"Okay, y/n y/l/n, Wizard of Mystic Arts," he says, slowly calming down. "Let's get out of here." He reaches down in his pocket to grab the sling ring.

"After you, Doctor," I say, trying to catch my breath after laughing so hard. He puts on the sling ring and moves his hands. A sparkling, orange portal opens up right into the room that holds the Eye of Agamotto. He looks at me and holds out his hand toward the portal.

"After you, kid." I give a smile.

"What a gentleman." I walk inside the portal with Stephen right behind me. I look around the room and see that the damage done by Kaecilius and his Zealots from the London Sanctum has been fixed since the last time I have been here. I hear Stephen close the portal behind me. I see him as he walks around me to the display table in the room. I can see there is slight hesitation on his face.

"You having second thoughts?" I ask in curiosity. He takes the necklace in his hand and looks down at it.

"No, not second thoughts," he hesitates. "Just going to miss it, I guess. The power. The control." He looks at it his hands. They tremble before him. "I could fix my hands. Return to my life as a surgeon." He takes a big breath and shakes his head. "But I know what I have been called to do," he says firmly. Lev takes himself off Stephen's shoulders. "Yeah, okay," Stephen says, sighing.

"I think he's telling you that he wants to be your only relic," I say with a slight smile. Stephen looks at me and then Lev.

"I hear you loud and clear, buddy," he responds with a grin. He turns back to the podium. He takes off the necklace and places the Eye in its slot with a sigh. As he does, it opens just to close back again. Stephen rests his hands on the podium and stares at the Eye.

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