Chapter 1

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Clara and Alana were always close. Even as newborns, they were close. They loved each other deeply. They would cry when they were apart too long. 

They would babble to each other in their cribs all the time. When being potty trained, they wanted to be in the same room. They were so good about sharing their toys. 

As children, they would always stick together despite having different interests. Alana went into performance arts and sports, while Clara went into computers. 

As teens the two were still as close as thieves. They were always told they were such pretty girls by their peers. 

But Clara grew to hate her looks after dating abusive men

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But Clara grew to hate her looks after dating abusive men. She looked at models and people like the Kardashians. She wanted their looks. She soon got into drugs to make herself skinnier. She always changed how she looked.

By eighteen, Clara wasn't around much. She quickly went into a relationship with her drug dealer. Making porn and stripping to get the money for her dream fillers and surgeries. She stopped visiting her family after they spoke of the disappointment they had in her. 

Then there was Alana. The good to the bad of the twins. 

She was a dancer. She did ballet as a kid, cheerleading in high school. Though she was dropped at a tournament and she broke her leg and badly injured her back. Ending her dance career forever.

So, she went to college on a scholarship for music and business. She was an over achiever. She was also a painter. She used painting to deal with her anxiety and other issues in her life as well.

Her friend was an author, and she did the cover art and illustrations for his books.

Alana was going to be going places. Clara wasn't part of the path she had chosen. 

Alana was the one who found out about Clara's porn making, when some assholes came up to her asking if they can be in her next videos. They had mistaken her for Clara as most didn't know she was a twin. 

Clara was even sexually harassed for a while. Alana went to confront Clara at a family gathering, she had pulled her to the side and questioned her on it. Clara explained that it's her body and she can film all the sexual videos she wanted and post it to Only fans if she wanted to.

Neither knew that their aunt came outside where they were talking and over heard this, and told their parents. That wasn't Alana's plans. She just wanted to talk in private. Clara was yelled at for doing porn. They had been a Christian family and didn't want her doing it. As she stormed out, Clara announced that not only did she like making the videos, but that she would keep doing it.

That was the last time Clara visited home and family.

The twins did meet up when Alana found out where Clara lived and worked. They talked it out. Clara told her she forgave her and knew she didn't mean for everyone to find out. 

The two were able to sit and talk. Alana could see that this wasn't the twin she remembered. She was skinny, and her fillers were noticeable. At least to Alana since they shared the same face. But now... They weren't twins any more. 

Alana told her sister that if she ever needed help and a chance to start over, her door was always open. She made sure that Clara had her address. But told her that she wouldn't allow drugs or men over at her place. 

Clara understood that and the two promised to stay close. 


Alana was at dinner with a date her roommate/ best friend set her up with. She sipped her glass of wine as he talked and talked about himself and his job. Alana wasn't feeling a connection with him.


She felt bored and cringy around him. Even more so when he said "An Alpha like me." 

Alana wanted to end the date then and there but didn't to be polite. He was a bit of a gentleman, opening the door for her, and helping her into her seat. But other than that he was annoying. 

She nodded as she listened to him talk. She didn't really focus on what he was talking about till he started talking about them having kids. She choked a bit on the wine and looked at him. 

"Excuse me?" Alana asked him to clarify what he said. "I said, that once the kids arrive, you will have to quit your job and schooling. You can't take care of the kids if you work." He said simply. 

Ok. That's it. 

Alana wiped her mouth and looked at him. 

"Let me get this to you straight. I will not be giving up my career and goals to raise your spawn. I pity the girl who would do so. And pity the kids you spawn. I don't care about how 'alpha' you are. That is so stupid to say. It's cringy and makes my vagina drier than the deserts of Egypt. I am not impressed by anything you have said so far. I only stayed to finish that glass of wine, and to be nice to you cause Rachel set this up. That's it. Have a good night, and I pray you grow up and mature. Cause you are more childish than my cousins two-year-old." 

She finished her wine and went to the front. She paid for her half of the bill and left. Luckily she had only one glass of wine and wasn't a light drinker. So, she was able to drive home safely. No more blind dates by Rachel when they are her boyfriends relatives. 

Getting home, she got a shower and headed to get another glass of wine for the night, when her phone rang. Looking at it, it was her mother. 

"Hey mom. How are you?" She greeted as she started pouring herself a glass.

What her mother told her, made her freeze. 

Clara was missing.

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