Chapter 5

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*R.I.P Angus You were such a talented and loved man)


Alana arrived at the place where this Lukas worked. She entered and looked around. She went to the front counter. "Excuse me. Is a Lukas Freeman working here today? I have some questions for him." She said. 

The person at the counter nodded and pointed, that's when a crash was heard and the sound of running. She saw it was Lukas and she ran after him. 

"Wait! Why are you running! I ain't the fucking police!" She shouted at him. He stopped and the two panted as they looked at each other. "Then why the fuck are you... Wait.... Who are you?" He panted out.

Alana walked over after taking a few more moments to catch her breath. "My name is Alana. You know my sister Clara. She's missing. I wanted to know if you knew anything or when you saw him last." She explained. 

He nodded and the two walked back to the place he worked and sat down out back. He pulled a joint out and lit it, taking a big hit. "She bought weed from me. We were friends. Shes a good person." He told her. 

Alana sat down beside him and nodded. 

"She had asked if there was a way to get heavier things but I don't fuck with that kind of shit. Can't overdose on weed." He explained. He offered the joint to her but she shook her head. "I don't smoke and then drive." She told him.

Lukas nodded in understanding, and took another hit.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Alana asked looking at him. 

"She stayed over at my place two weeks ago. She said she needed a break from the world. She stayed for a week, and then bought some weed, and left saying that the next time I saw her, she will be a whole new person. She seemed so proud. She was working hard on staying clean from the hard stuff." Lukas told her, pulling his phone out and showing her pictures of the two.

Alana took the phone and smiled softly. She still hated the fillers and such on her sister, but she looked healthier than the last time they saw each other, and only a little yellow under one eye from when she was hit last.

She looked happier around Lukas. 

Tears filled Alana's green eyes. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Um. Our parents were going to be taking her to rehab. I guess the weed was for one last hurrah with everyone she loved before she went." Alana said.

"Was it Ass Wipe?" He asked. "Did he take her?" Lukas looked at her as he took his phone back. Alana raised an eyebrow at him. "Ass Wipe?" She asked confused. He nodded. "The ex. Ceaser? Was he the one who took her?" He asked once more.

Alana sighed. "I'm not sure. The police didn't even seem to know that they should look at him. I mentioned him, and they seemed surprised I said it. I kinda tricked an officer so I could take a picture of his information." He grinned at her amused, and soon laughed shaking his head.

"You two are so alike." He told her putting the joint out. "I have to get back to work. I saw Ass Wipe at a store getting some groceries about two days ago. He looked beaten up. Clara said about how her one boss got him beat up. He also goes to the Pig House for drinks and such alot." Lukas informed her.

She nodded. "Thank you. Um. Max gave me your number, can I call you if I have any more questions?" She asked. He nodded. "Um. Can I get your information as well? I want to help as much as I can." He said.

She smiled and put her number in his phone. "I'm staying at the Hilton, Room 408." She told him. He nodded. "She told me you were a successful woman. She was proud of you." He told her. 

Alana smiled. "We're going to find her. I am going to make sure of that." Alana promised. He nodded and the two shook hands. "Hey... You look tired. I can get some things to help you sleep at night. I can bring it over." He told her. 

She gave a smile. "Sleeping isn't the issue. It's the dreams. But thank you anyway." She told him. He nodded. "My offer still stands if you change your mind." Lukas told her and went back inside. 

Alana took some deep breaths before going back to her car. Sitting there, she rubbed her head and looked at her phone. Looking at the details of Ceaser's. Should she go see if he's around. Or should she look somewhere else for clues?

She decided to go as around at the bar that Lukas mention.

Putting it into the GPS, she drove to the area. 

Here we fucking go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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