Chapter 2

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Alana packed a bag and drove all the way back to her hometown to see her parents. To be there with them through this hard time. The police were there already getting statements. She rushed in after telling the police that she was the sister and was here to help.

They let her in, and she rushed to her parents to comfort them.

She listened to them tell the police that Clara called and told them that she was ready to come back. That she didn't feel safe where she was anymore and wanted to come get clean. They set up a day they were going to get her, and when they arrived the door had been broken in, and the place was in shambles.

And Clara was nowhere to be found. 

"She didn't run away. She was too prideful to do that. She really wanted to get clean. She wanted to start over." Their mother said. "She was ready to come back home." She continued as she shook her head.

"Do you know what your daughter was using? What was her drug of choice?" An officer asked. "We don't know the extent of it. But my guess would be cocaine." Their father said. "She didn't really tell us exactly what she used. She just wanted to stop using and try to start a new life." He continued.

When the police came, Alana asked about Clara's address. She wanted to go and see if she could find anything. They gave it to her, and she was on her way. She got a hotel for the night. She wasn't going to stop until she found her sister. 

She will go to the end of the world to find Clara and bring her home safely.

After putting her bag into the room she rented, she went back to her car and drove to the address given to her. 

She arrived at the trailer. It looked like Clara took care of it at least. She had flowers planted at the front. And some chairs to sit and relax in.

Going inside, she looked around. Pulling her jacket tighter around her as she shivered. It was freezing all of a sudden. Her green eyes examined the place. It was trashed, like someone threw things.... Or like Clara was throwing things to stop her attacker. 

She went into the bedroom and looked around. Her suitcase was still there. Clara didn't leave on her own. She would've taken this with her. This just proved that Clara didn't run away or changed her mind about rehab like the police thought.

Alana took pictures as evidence. She went to the bed and got down. Turning her flashlight on, she crawled under it.

As little kids, they would write on the wood of their bed. They hid things under the bed. So, she decided to check there for anything.

She saw a box there. She pushed out, but then saw a few different diaries stuck in between the mattress and the bed frame.

Alana grabbed it and pulled it out to take a look at later. She used the flashlight to look at the things written on the wood. The words "How many times I've been hit" were written and a lot of tallies were put on it.

Another said, "How many times I've cut" and once again more tallies.

Alana's heart broke seeing this. Getting up, she gathered the box, and the diaries. Opening the box to make sure there wasn't any drug stuff in it. Seeing only papers and dried petals, she closed the box and took everything to her car.

She will come back in the morning. All this driving is making her warn out.

Driving back to the hotel, she stopped at the store to get some things to have while she stayed at the hotel. Even stopped for some food. She then went back. With her work making art and selling them, she was good on money. 

She started putting things away and sat down to eat looking at the box and diaries. Her leg bouncing. She moved her burger up and pulled the box to her. She assumed they were love letters from fans of her porn or stripping.

Clara stated she sometimes got love letters from fans. 

Dumping it all out she started reading them. Some were requests and love letters. But there were some that were put together by a rubber band. Taking the band off, she started reading them. 

The letters talked about how they wished she hadn't ever had surgery, that they hated what she was doing to herself. That they wished she would stop using drugs because they were taking her beauty from her. 

But they all kept getting creepier and creepier. Clara must've been keeping them for evidence in case she needed to go to the police. Alana put all of them away after wrapping the one set of letters back up.

She finished her food and got a shower to help her sore joints. She then got dressed and went to bed to read the first diary her sister hid away.

Laying there, tv playing to have some white noise, she opened the first page.

"'This belongs to Clara Brookes. I'm twenty five at the moment I write this. I'm not much of a writer. And I don't know why I'm doing this. Maybe its for my family to have if I die. Maybe it's to help me mentally. 

I am a whore. I am a druggie. I am a prostitute. I hate myself. I've always hated myself. I was never good enough. I was told I was a good person. That I was good enough. But not like Alana. She was perfect. She will always be perfect compared to me. And I can't find myself to hate her. 

I hate my face but love hers, even though we share the same face and body. I hated my body. And it all started with Nial. Nial Hemmings. Captain of the high school football team. I was just a kid. Looking back now, I know it was legally called rape cause I was only fifteen and he was eighteen. 

He told me I was hideous, and I was lucky I was with him. It was then I became obsessed with changing my body. To be like the Kardashians, he was obsessed with Kim. I wanted to become like them to win hearts of men. But I needed the money. So, I turned to first selling my feet pictures, then I started drugs to help my shame. Then once hooked I began porn and dancing. Using my body for more drugs and surgeries.

Why am I writing a autobiography? I don't know. 

Maybe this will help. Maybe not.'" 

Alana closed the book and rubbed her face and sighed deeply as tears filled her eyes. 

Clara was suffering so much before she left home, and no one knew about it. What other secrets did she have? 

How could she not have known she was suffering. They were so close. Told each other everything. Or at least she thought they had.

Now she wasn't so sure.


"Alana!" Alana looked around her, she was in the woods. She could hear Clara. "Help me!" Clara shouted. "Clara! I'm coming!" Alana shouted and bolted after where her voice came from. 

"I'm so sorry! Please help me! I'm so cold!" Alana stopped and looked around as she got to an opening. She screamed out for Clara. 

She kept hearing her sister calling for her. All around her she heard her voice. 

"I'm here." Her voice gurgled. Alana turned and screamed seeing her sister look more like a monster, but it was her. Clara pushed Alana, making her fall into a pit. 

Alana awoke with a gasp and shot straight up gasping for air. 

She took some deep breaths and looked around her as she started to come down and stop shaking. That's when she realized she was crying as tears fell from her cheeks to her hand. 

She grabbed her phone to look at the time.

3:30 am.


Alana didn't think she would be able to go to sleep after that. She was to scared to after that dream anymore.


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