~ The one where Jin asks you to meet up

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As the head chef of a bustling restaurant, your days are typically filled with the harmonious chaos of clanging pots and sizzling pans. But on this particular afternoon, amidst the organized frenzy of the kitchen, a disruption emerged in the form of an unexpected call on your phone.

While glancing at your phone, its screen lighting up with an incoming call from a name you hadn't seen in quite some time. Your heart quickened its pace as I recognized the number, Jin, the one who had once held a significant place in my life until his betrayal shattered your relationship.

Despite the memories flooding back, you compose yourself, acknowledging the call with a measured breath. With the bustle of the kitchen fading into the background, you answered, bracing yourself for whatever conversation lays ahead.

'Hello?' You greeted, your voice is steady despite the roiling emotions within you.

'Hey, it's me...' came the familiar voice on the other end, stirring echoes of pain.

'I want to meet up.'

'I don't' you speak, holding your ground.

'Look I am sorry, I really am. You have every right to be mad at me and not to talk to me. I truly apologize for everything. Especially that night.'

A silence lingers and you're about to say goodbye but he resumes his conversation.

'Let me make it up to you. Even if we can't be together anymore, let's be friends. If you don't want to be friends then let's just talk and say our final words. I don't want the last time I saw and talked to you be that night.'

You get where he comes from. You also don't want to end things like this. With your age a mature way is needed to handle things. The wound is too raw to act like it's healed but you owe it to yourself to talk it out. He needs to know why there won't be an us anymore. That day you couldn't form the sentences you wanted to say to him  but now, with a clear mind you know you can and will.


'Really? Okay, when? Where do you want to meet up?' He asks excitedly.

A silence lingers between the two of you. A place where you both can talk freely without feeling watched or heard.

'Meet me at Seoul Sky Garden in an hour.'

Not wanting to hear him say goodbye you end the call on his face.

As the call ended, a sense of resolve washed over you. You knew this conversation would be difficult, dredging up memories and emotions you'd tried to bury. But there was also a part of you that yearned for closure, for the chance to express the hurt and anger that had been festering since that fateful night.

Quickly, you delegated tasks in the kitchen, ensuring everything would run smoothly in your absence. Then, with a sense of purpose, you made your way to Seoul Sky Garden.

The journey to the garden was a quiet one, allowing you time to collect your thoughts. Memories of happier times with Jin mingled with the pain of his betrayal, creating a turbulent storm of emotions within you.

Arriving at the Seoul Sky Garden, you took a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the elevated garden. The lush greenery and the distant hum of the city below provided a peaceful backdrop for what was sure to be a difficult conversation.

You spotted Jin waiting for you near a cluster of benches, his expression a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Taking a deep breath, you approached him, steeling yourself for the confrontation to come.

'Hi,' he greeted softly, his voice tentative.

'Hi,' you replied, your tone guarded.

For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

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