~ The one with the pancakes and him not forgiving you

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The sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in your kitchen as you mixed the pancake batter. It had been a late night, filled with laughter and memories, but now, the morning brought unexpected company.

'You sure you don't want me to help you?' Naza's voice broke the silence as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

You turned to see her, still wearing the same outfit from last night, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

'The last thing I expected was you breaking down my door at 9 am asking for American pancakes.'

Naza chuckled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 'Well, you make the best pancakes in town, and I couldn't resist.'

You rolled your eyes playfully, returning to the task at hand. As you poured the batter into the mixing bowl, you realized you had made far too much for just one person.

'Are you up for eating 20 pancakes?' you asked, trying to stifle a yawn.

Naza's eyes widened in mock horror. 'Can I ask Taehyung to come?'

You couldn't help but smile at her request. You knew Naza well enough to know that she always called for backup when it came to food. 'Sure, why not?'

Minutes later, Taehyung arrived, his camera slung over his shoulder and a grin on his face. 'I heard there were pancakes involved,' he said, taking a seat next to Naza.

You nodded, gesturing towards the stack of pancakes on the kitchen counter. 'Help yourself.'

As Taehyung filled his plate, you and him engage in a conversation

'How is work going?' you ask him.

'Work is going quite well. I don't want to jinx it, but March is going to be a busy month, I guess. I only have a few days of rest before I have to work hard again.'

'If you're free, I would love to get your help making a few pictures of the restaurant during busy hours so I can upload them to the site. People tend to come quicker if they see more people enjoying their time in the restaurant.'

'I will message Hobi and arrange it,' he smiles.

'Anyway, Naza over here was telling me about you two. You better not break her heart,' you look at him with a stern expression.

'Believe me, the last thing I will do is break her heart. She is really special to me,' he says, glancing in Naza's direction.

You notice Naza's cheeks getting hot at his words, and you can't help but tease her.

'What blush are you using, Naza? It looks really good.'

Shy from your remark, she throws her napkin at you, eliciting laughter from the group.

The room fills with laughter and chatter as you all enjoy your pancakes.

'By the way, Jungkook is totally not jealous that you invited me but not him,' Taehyung says between bites of pancake.

The thought of asking Jungkook didn't even cross your mind, and you feel guilty and slightly remorseful. Excusing yourself from the table, you retreat to your room to send Jungkook a message.

Me: There are too many pancakes...

Jungkook: Dw, Taehyung will eat them all.

Me: Come eat some -_-

Jungkook: No thanks.

Me: I put chocolate pieces in yours.

Me: Only you will have chocolate pieces.

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