dragons speach

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("Should we kill her too?") Raff asked, still in an angry tone. Andri looked at him as if he was crazy. ("Why?") Andri asked. ("Why? What do you mean why!? If we don't our friend could die! You really are heartless!") Raff yelled. ("No, im not. We will save her some other way.") Andri exclaimed before flying down to the captured dragon and cutting the net holding it in place. ("Are you fucking crazy!? Don't you understand that if we don't kill it, our friend will die and we will probably also die! Your picking a dragon that almost killed you and a feral stranger over us!? Your fucking insane!") Raff yelled. Andri didn't listen, he cut the rope regardless. ("Well, we save her different way.") Andri muttered. ("There is no different way! You care about these two more than us! And now we're gonna die because of it!") Raff yelled.

("We do it a different way! I am not letting her lose her only parent like I did!") Andri yelled back. ("So what!? You both have dragon parents fun for you! But that doesn't change the fact that we will be fucked if you do this!") Raff screamed as he pulled out his crossbow and aimed it at Andri. But Andri ignored him and kept cutting. The dragon slowly tried standing up but the poison made it very difficult. The girl looked at him in confusion, wondering why he did that after fighting her moments before. The dragon turned to face him and also looked at him in confusion. But then, it started speaking. Not like a human, in a new language that neither Raff or Andri understood. But, this language reminded him of something that he had never experienced before. It was another inherited memory from the dragon that adopted him.

It was of the dragon and the baby dragon who was shot down speaking in the same language the earth dragon spoke in. Suddenly, Andri felt information enter his brain even though he had not tried to learn anything. It was just like when he learned to speak his native language but this time it was the same language this earth dragon was speaking. Andri now understood exactly what the earth dragon was saying even though he had never heard this language before. ("What do you want?") The dragon said in a deep voice that mimicked the sound of an earthquake. Andri looked at him and said. ("What are we speaking?") The dragon looked at him as if he was stupid again. ("The dragons native language that we have kept hidden from all other species. And only dragons can learn it naturally, others need to learn it. Wow you really are stupid") The dragon replied in an annoyed tone.

("Now i ask you this again, what do you want?") The dragon asked. ("Fuck are you doing?") Raff asked while looking at them but got no response. ("Well, we were sent here to kill you.") Andri replied. ("Oh?") The dragon said, amused. ("But") Andri continued. ("I dont think i will.") The dragon gave him a confused glare. ("And why not?") It asked. ("Because i need your help. My friend has been captured and her life is at risk. And it was the spanish guards who did it. So, if we both go there and attack them, i would get her back and they would stop hunting you down because they would all be dead.") Andri exclaimed.("Really?") The dragon stood up and broke its restraints effortlessly. ("You have a point.") Andri grew a excited smile. ("Does that mean youll help?") Andri asked.

("We share a common enemy. However, i need rest. A day should do it. Your brothers poison is really annoying. Where did he get it anyways?") The dragon responded. ("I dont know, hes just smart i guess") Andri muttered. The dragon the picked up the feral girl, andri and raff and placed them on its back. Raff tried fighting back but the dragon ignored his efforts and flew into the air before he could jump off. (Andri whats happening!?") Raff yelled. ("We got help") Andri responded

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