Chapter 12

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Sophie had noticed a change in Nathan's demeanor lately, a subtle distance that had crept into their interactions. Concerned for her fiancé and eager to reconnect, she decided to plan a romantic picnic for the two of them, hoping to rekindle the spark that had brought them together.

As they settled into their picnic spot, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Sophie couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She looked into Nathan's eyes, searching for answers, and finally mustered the courage to voice her concerns.

"Nathan, you've seemed a bit distant lately," Sophie began, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Is everything okay? Are you still looking forward to the wedding?"

Nathan looked at Sophie, his heart aching at the worry he saw in her eyes. "I'm okay, Sophie," he reassured her, his voice soft with sincerity. "I'm looking forward to our wedding more than anything. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."

Just then, Amelia walked into the scene, having been secretly invited by Sophie without Nathan's knowledge. Sophie's face lit up at the sight of her friend, and she gushed over the wedding details excitedly, oblivious to the tension that hung in the air.

As Sophie continued to share her plans, Amelia and Nathan found themselves growing increasingly uncomfortable, their guilt and unease bubbling beneath the surface as they struggled to maintain their composure.

Then, out of the blue, Sophie turned to Amelia with a radiant smile. "Amelia, I want you to be my maid of honor," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Caught off guard, Amelia choked on her glass of wine, her eyes widening in shock.
With a reluctant smile, Amelia agreed, unable to refuse Sophie's heartfelt request. Sophie pulled her into a tight hug, her joy uncontainable as she celebrated their shared moment.

As Amelia and Nathan exchanged uneasy glances, Sophie thanked her once again, blissfully unaware of the tangled web of emotions that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Amelia then excused herself, leaving Sophie and Nathan to enjoy the rest of their date, her heart heavy with the weight of her secret.

Amelia drove through the winding roads, tears blurring her vision as she grappled with the weight of her guilt. The realization that she had accepted Sophie's offer to be her maid of honor, knowing full well the betrayal that lurked behind her smile, gnawed at her conscience.

Unable to bear the burden alone any longer, Amelia made a snap decision to seek solace in the comforting presence of her sister, Sarah. She made a detour, the familiar route to Sarah's house offering a semblance of comfort amidst the turmoil raging within her.

When Sarah opened the door to find her sister standing there, tears streaming down her face, her heart clenched in concern. She pulled Amelia into a comforting embrace, sensing the depth of her distress.

As they settled into Sarah's cozy living room, Sarah rolled a joint and passed it to Amelia, the familiar ritual offering a momentary reprieve from the intensity of their emotions. The soft glow of the dimmed lights and the calming effects of the marijuana created a safe space for Amelia to open up.

Hesitatingly, Amelia began to share her turmoil with Sarah, her voice trembling as she confessed, "I think I'm falling for someone else." She skirted around the details, careful not to reveal that the object of her affections was Nathan, Ethan's close friend.

Sarah's eyes widened in shock, but she maintained her composure, offering Amelia a steady, compassionate gaze. "Amelia, love is not to be mistaken for lust," she advised gently. "Just because something feels good now doesn't mean it's right. Ethan is a good man, and he loves you. Don't lose sight of what's truly important."

Amelia listened, her heart torn between the allure of her forbidden feelings and the wisdom of her sister's counsel. As she absorbed Sarah's words, she knew deep down that her sister was right. Ethan deserved her loyalty, her honesty, and she resolved to do whatever it took to honor the love they shared, no matter the cost.

Amelia pulled into the driveway, taking a moment to compose herself before heading inside. The weight of the day's events pressed heavily on her shoulders, but she knew she needed to face Ethan, to share with him the truth of Sophie's request.

As she entered the hall, she found Ethan lounging on the sofa, engrossed in the TV. He looked up, his face lighting up with a warm smile as he greeted her. "Hey, how was your day?" he asked, his eyes filled with genuine interest.

Taking a deep breath, Amelia mustered up the courage to share the news. "Sophie asked me to be her maid of honor," she said, forcing a smile as she relayed the information. "Nathan asked me too."

Ethan's face lit up with enthusiasm, completely unaware of the internal struggle Amelia was facing. "That's great Ames, Nathan asked me to be his best man too! he exclaimed, reaching out to pull her into a hug.

As Ethan wrapped his arms around her, Amelia felt a flood of emotions wash over her. The weight of her guilt, the love she felt for Ethan, and the turmoil of her secret feelings for Nathan all collided in that moment, and she found herself clinging to Ethan as if he were her anchor in the storm.

Ethan felt Amelia's grip tighten, sensing the depth of her emotions. He leaned in, his voice soft as he whispered, "I love you."

But Amelia couldn't bring herself to say it back, a tear trickling down her cheek as she wrestled with the truth she was hiding. She held onto Ethan, her heart heavy with the weight of her secret, knowing that she needed to find a way to reconcile her feelings and the love she shared with the man who deserved nothing but her honesty and devotion

Tangled Hearts: Lust, Loyalty and Forbidden PassionWhere stories live. Discover now