Chapter two -GHOST

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A target, one injured. Based on the way she carries herself, she would put up a fight, one I am not willing to risk at this hour of the night. But her leg, it is severely wounded, giving me a significant vantage point. I have lost almost all of my morals during these ever-present battles. But one I will live by. Never kill a target who cannot fight back properly. I observe as her head swivels in my direction, her eyes nearly colliding with mine if I didn't slink back into the bush I was temporarily camping in. Close one, Ghost. Shit, she knows I'm here. She may not know who I am, nor do I her, but she can sense a presence. She specialised with the spies, I can tell. The way she exerts her gaze to any threat is not the same as we have been taught in combat, she can sense almost anyone approaching her, no wonder she is still alive. I catch a glimpse of her face before she turns back around, and I am shocked by her features, her eyes are a bright juxtaposition to her surroundings, bright and yellow, almost blinding in the most...attractive way. Shaking my head, I avert my focus on where she is heading rather than her compelling face. The moment her limp dissipates, I will strike.

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