Chapter three- Y/N

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I have taken residency in a small shaft, I am honestly surprised is not occupied. If I was not suffering from blood loss, I would start setting traps in every possible entrance, and explore this mine shaft further. But currently, my state is in dire need of rest, or I am not sure that I will be able to function when fighting. Finding a small crevice of rock to crawl into until dawn. 

I am awoken to a sharp bite of pain. Covering my mouth to smother a scream shooting up my throat, I sit up with a thud, secretly cursing myself for making a noise. Hissing through my teeth I peel away my camos, revealing the bullet wound crusted in blood, a relatively large hole of welling fresh blood sprouts from my leg. Have I left it too late? In a rush of concerned sorting through my pack, it occurred to me, I could not afford anything more than an old bandage. I never specialised in medic works, I have only the basic knowledge combat and spy class taught me. Pain has never felt so raw and alive before, so intense. My entire leg is throbbing, and I am afraid I might even have to amputate it entirely. I am as good as dead if it gets that bad. What do I do?

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