Chapter 3: Favourite Hero

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After work, Izuku decided to go back on the group chat. He had some free time, and felt bad after leaving so abruptly before.


A Bunch Of Idiots

WhoAmI: Good afternoon.

IGiveSleep: Good afternoon sweetie

KissKissAllBetter: Hello, dearie

AmScreech: Hey!

Ratatouille: Good afternoon

GimmieRice: Hello

LegoBrick: こんばんは

PewPewPew: Hi

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: good night

TheVerySleepyCatapillar is offline

AmScreech: ...And, he's asleep

WhoAmI: Really?

AmScreech: Oh, yeah
AmScreech: He can go to sleep in under a second if he wants to

WhoAmI: I want to be him.
WhoAmI: I really wish I was him

Ratatouille: Are you not getting enough sleep?


Ratatouille: I'll take that as a yes.

AmScreech changed WhoAmI to TheVeryUnsleepyCatapillar

TheVeryUnsleepyCatapillar changed their name to BroccoliBunny

AmScreech: BroccoliBunny?

BroccoliBunny: Yeah, you kinda need to see me to get it.
BroccoliBunny: Sorry about that.

BroccoliBunny changed their name to WhoAmI

Ratatouille changed WhoAmI to BroccoliBunny

BroccoliBunny: Thanks 。●‿●。

IGiveSleep: Cute!

AmScreech: I know!
AmScreech: Actually, I want to test something real quick.
AmScreech: Hey, BroccoliBunny

BroccoliBunny: Yes?

AmScreech: What's your favourite drink?

BroccoliBunny: Coffee
BroccoliBunny: Definitely coffee

IGiveSleep: Ooh, ooh!
IGiveSleep: I've got one!
IGiveSleep: Who's your favourite hero?

BroccoliBunny: I'm not sure if you know him

PewPewPew: Go ahead

BroccoliBunny: Erasure Head.
BroccoliBunny: 100% Erasure Head.
BroccoliBunny: He's like, the coolest hero ever!

AmScreech: What about him do you like?

BroccoliBunny: His fighting style is completely unique, he basically fights quirkless!
BroccoliBunny: He saves people without media attention or big awards. I personally agree with the whole 'media hinders your work' thing.

Ratatouille: Say, how do you know Erasure?
Ratatouille: He's an underground hero, not much information is shared about him.

BroccoliBunny: I know just about every hero in Japan.

Ratatouille: I see.
Ratatouille: Do you like analysis?

BroccoliBunny: Definitely!
BroccoliBunny: I literally have 12 notebooks filled with detailed analysis on every hero I can!





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