Chapter 26: Great to see you again, heh heh

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༻Time skip brought to you by Aizawa thoroughly murdering Nezu with glares that could whither entire orchards༺

A Bunch Of Idiots

AmScreech: @Ratatouille, have you found anything yet?

Ratatouille: Unfortunately not.
Ratatouille: There are reasons why he's been unknown outside of his territory for years, cameras just simply aren't enough.

IGiveSleep: We have pro heroes from UA searching his territory and a large area around it, and we still haven't found hair nor hide of him in three days.

no.47: What about Hound Dog?
no.47: He's one of the best tracking heroes in Japan.

RipOffFNaF: I haven't found anything either.

VampireWannabe: Couldn't we ask pros from outside of UA?
VampireWannabe: Endeavour and All Might could get so much attention and people desperately trying to help them.

Ratatouille: I'd prefer to keep this matter within UA.
Ratatouille: Requesting other pros and police outside of only Tsukauchi could grant the risks of someone accidentally, or purposefully, leaking his name to the public.

AmScreech: He's right, the UA staff are the only ones who can know about this.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar is online

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: I found him.

AmScreech: Seriously!?

IGiveSleep: That's amazing, Sho!!

Ratatouille: Where was he?

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: i found him in an alley sleeping in a cardboard box.
TheVerySleepyCatapillar: im on my way to UA now to get him checked over by Recovery Girl.

KissKissAllBetter: Good idea, we have no idea what's happened to him in the three days he was missing.
KissKissAllBetter: Are there any noticeable injuries or anything unusual?

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: a large cut on his thigh that's been bandaged with a blood drenched piece of fabric that looks like it's been torn off his shirt and several other cuts and bruises.
TheVerySleepyCatapillar: he must've lost a lot of blood and been exhausted since he didn't even stirr when I picked him up, despite him being a very light sleeper.
TheVerySleepyCatapillar: he's also really cold and has a high fever.

KissKissAllBetter: One of his cuts might be infected, don't dawdle in bringing him to me.
KissKissAllBetter: I likely won't be able to use my quirk on him for a while until he regains his energy, so swiftness is important.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: right.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar is offline


Izuku woke up a few hours later in a place that definitely wasn't the place where he went to sleep. His mind immediately went into panic mode and he ended up on the floor, tangled up in bedsheets. His flailing was noisy, though, and Shota quickly ran into the room and was at his side in an instant.

"You alright there, problem child?" The adult asked, suppressing a chuckle but unable to do the same for the grin. There was a quiet mmf! in reply, the boy's lower face and body tightly wrapped in solid white blankets. If Shota took a few photos before actually helping his adoptive son, only he (and the entire UA staff chat and possibly the student one too if he was really in a good mood) would know.

Once the green haired child was free from his soft prison, he immediately shot a glare at his guardian and made an attempt to snatch the phone from his hand. The pro hero only chuckled and dodged, leading Izuku to trip over the pile of blankets and sheets that were still on the floor and get himself tangled up for the second time that morning (at least, Izuku thought it was morning, there were no clocks and the curtains were pulled over the window).

What The- (MHA Chatfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora