Chapter 19: Awoken to Chaos

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Izuku woke up and immediately panicked. He completely forgot he was at Erasure's house and when Izuku saw he wasn't either at school or at home, he flailed and fell face-first out of bed with a thud. Erasure and Mic both came into his room not too soon after and the latter helped Izuku sit up in bed. Izuku was still panicking however, and accidentally hit Mic in the face with his cast. He yelled and Izuku was incredibly thankful Erasure erased his quirk before he burst Izuku's eardrums. Erasure started his sentence with a sigh. "Problem child, calm down." He then turned to Mic. "Are you alright, Zashi?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mic replied. "What about you, little listener?"

"I'm alright." Izuku then apologized profusely to both of them for waking them up and hitting them in the face before Erasure told him it was past midday. Izuku's mind kinda just broke and shut off for a long moment. Izuku actually went to sleep at a normal time and woke up way past any normal schedule. What the hell? He couldn't understand how on earth he managed to get that much sleep and was still sort of processing that information as Erasure told him to they would make lunch and left.

It took another few minutes for Izuku to actually get up off his bed and walk over to the closet to pull out his only pair of clothes that weren't pj's, uniforms or his vigilante costume. Izuku went to the bathroom across the hall to get changed and took a quick shower. It was sorta gross, but Izuku only really showered with the rain water he collected and in summer... You know what, you don't want to know what Izuku did in summer but it involved a lot of deodorant. Izuku was surprised nobody ever noticed.

Anyway, after just a short shower with warm water and soap, Izuku looked quite a bit different. His hair was still curly and messy, but it was so much softer and silkier, and since he was usually covered in dirt that wasn't really noticeable all the time, his skin was so much cleaner and softer. He could probably pass for a normal eleven year old kid who actually looked like someone loved them and took care of them.

Izuku went downstairs and found a similar scene to the previous night, except now it was pancakes instead of quiches. Erasure and Mic were just chatting idly and occasionally raised their voices a little, probably talking about politics or something, which Izuku somehow found comforting over the half a year he'd known them. Izuku just sat down at the table without making a sound and hoped neither of them noticed him for as long as possible.

Their conversation ended when Mic flipped the last pancake onto a large plate and brought them, plates, cutlery and toppings and put them on the table. There was maple syrup, lemon slices, sugar, Nutella, yoghurt, cream, and a small bowl of mixed berries. Izuku thought he went a bit overboard, but he wasn't complaining. He told Izuku he could serve himself and put a couple pancakes and toppings on his and Erasure's plates. Izuku only got one pancake and squeezed some lemon juice on it and sprinkled raw sugar on top but it was delicious, even if he only ate half of it before he got full. It probably could've used more milk though.

When everyone had eaten their fill (Erasure ate two pancakes and Mic ate the other nine as well as Izuku's other half, although he have no idea how), Erasure told Izuku to be ready to leave the house in ten minutes as Mic cleaned up. Apparently, they were going shopping. Just the three of them. That completely explained why they saw Midnight at the mall when they arrived.

"Hey boys!" She called from the entrance. Mic smiled while Erasure groaned, but Izuku didn't know how to feel so he just did his best impression of that one 1-A student with the half-and-half hair.

"Hey, Nem!" Mic called back, just barely not using his quirk.

"Hi, Midnight-san," Izuku called when his ears recovered. She walked up to them and wrapped her arm around Mic's shoulder as she looked down at Izuku.

"Good afternoon, sweetie," she said more quietly. The four of them then made their way through the mall and to various shops for different things. They first went to a children's clothing store since Izuku had (including the vigilante costume) four pairs of clothing. That wouldn't at all be a pain to try on seeing as Izuku had a leg and an arm in casts.

Izuku at first just went for whatever was cheapest, but that was practically impossible with Midnight around. The way she knew where the most expensive things in each store was practically a quirk on its own. Izuku didn't complain too much when it came to hero merch though, that was an exception. Especially not when it came to posters and figurines, but Izuku still made sure he would have space for the Erasure Head posters he was already planning on making later.

The next thing was school supplies. He had his own money, but Izuku could still only afford second hand items since he still had to pay for the minimal amount of food he could afford and equipment. Izuku got a new backpack, pencil case, water bottle, as well as a few miscellaneous items and notebooks since his was starting to get full.

The next thing was furniture, and Izuku was pretty sure Midnight and Mic went a little bit overboard with that. I got a rug with a clover design, a hammock, new bedsheets, a desk with a chair and a few other things. All in all, everything was going pretty great. That was until someone recognised Mic and Midnight and then saw Izuku and asked if he was their child. Everyone froze in shock at that, and more people started to crowd around making it harder to explain that none of them were married and Izuku wasn't related to any of them. Erasure just stood off to the side and smirked at their discomfort.

By the end of the day, Izuku was worn out from shopping and simply flopped onto my bed, skipping dinner. He wasn't hungry anyway.


Hello, it is currently half past one and I have school tomorrow. Today? Eh, whatever works. Anyway, goodnight and see you next chapter!

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