Chapter 6 - An Idol Concert?

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Following my conversation on the forum, I visited A the next day and told her about what I had gathered from VirtuoLies, mainly the fact that Virtuo's influence was a farce and that they relied on a simple server to run their bot attacks.

She seemed to be relatively glad by the info but voiced her concerns about the difficulty of banning all those bots in chat.

However I had a much different proposal.

"Why not just hack the server?"


"Koyori Hakui provided me with a tool that can hack electronic devices. If it can get close enough to the server room-"

"Hold on! Koyori gave you a tool that can hack stuff?"

"Yeah, it has been in a drawer in my home for some time now, maybe now I can put it to good use."

A sat behind her desk in a state of utter disbelief. It seemed that she was not aware of Koyori's device, meaning, this was one of Sora's secret schemes.

What a blunder I made.

"Calm down A, I asked her to make it for me."

"Why would you-?"

"Because I needed one."

"For what?"

"For when I eventually gain access to a worker device. It was always a plan of mine."

It wasn't. When Koyori gave me that hacker-phone I didn't know what to do with it, only now I realised how convenient it was.

"Can it be traced back to her?"


Her face softened, guess most of her worries went away.

"Alright, I'll let you keep it then."

What a relief, though if I didn't have it and planned to hack the servers I would've most likely still asked for the device to be made. If anything, being given it made things more complicated to explain.

Following that we had a quick discussion regarding whether to take the opportunity to re-debut the group, which I opposed heavily while the server for those bots was up. Furthermore, even if Hololive wasn't in much hot water it didn't mean we were in the clear. After all, there was no telling if Takamura was still keeping a close eye on us, we couldn't make careless mistakes.

"So what? We don't re-debut anyone?"

"Not necessarily, but you need to carefully consider who can return to the stage without drama."

"That's not that easy though, someone out there hates Hololive regardless of whether a talent has a clean record."

"Which is why you pick the one who most likely would not get in trouble, that way when they do get attacked people can see that it is nonsensical."

A seemed to understand that logic and agreed to delay the re-debut until we've all decided.

With that, my short meeting with A ended and my attention shifted to the upcoming concert.

Once I was back at my home, I gave Sora a call to see if she was ready for our trip and she gave me a confident yes before explaining the concert to me, since while I was busy talking VirtuoLies, she was gathering info on the concert.

According to her, rumours had begun to spread about how the concert was being shown online as well which was no surprise, but there was a catch, if people were only going to watch online they were going to miss the special show that was only happening live. Now I didn't need 5 seconds to know what it was, and considering everything we learnt so far, it was the natural course of action. Just not for Sora who was quite heated by the prospect.

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