Chapter 11 - A much needed break

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My meeting with Takamura had driven me to work harder to achieve success, so much so that I was seen as overworked by both A and Mr Motoaki. I certainly did not feel as such, but when I met with my superior had revealed to me my rather dark bags which rested beneath my eyes, there was no arguing against it.

"I had not noticed."

"Because you keep working. Tell me, did you look at yourself in the mirror this morning?"

I thought about it for a moment and could only shake my head in response. I could remember splashing my face with water though.

"I believe I did not.

"How in the world is your hair so tidy then?"

"I have no idea."

A and Mr Motoaki stared at me in bewilderment, they couldn't fathom the absurdity of someone coming into the office clean as a whistle without putting much effort in the morning. Frankly neither did I.

However, that alone did not distract them from the main topic. I was assigned a few days off as a way to recuperate and while I was against the idea, my employer was steadfast in his order, stating that due to the girls starting to return to their regular activities, they are making up for lost time by streaming non-stop. Reminding me that yes, they were also workaholics.

So with the girls wilfully caged in their homes with their audience, there was no reason to keep me, the bodyguard, in the office in the foreseeable future. As such a couple of days off was completely acceptable.

With that, I was sent straight home, thus beginning my day off.

I had arrived home just before lunch, and so I decided to at least treat myself in celebration of my day off by eating out.

Changing into a hoodie and some jeans, I set off from my house and headed to the city for some delectable cuisine.

I was yearning for some sushi that day so decided to go all in on conveyor belt sushi. Delectable slices of fish, meat and vegetables topping succulent, savoury rice all for cheap, it was like heaven. Not only that, pairing such delicacies with soups, and other fried dishes, made the experience a rollercoaster of flavours. Then finally I topped the meal with a nice cup of ice cream and a warm cup of green tea.

With my stomach full and nothing to worry about for the rest of the day, I started to think the day wasn't so bad after all.

But just as I was about to finish up my suddenly vibrated in my pocket.

"Who's this?"

I fished out my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen, on it was a text from a certain blue-haired idol I had helped some time ago.

"Why is she texting me?"

I opened the text and saw that she had caught wind of my day off. Which was surprising since it had only been announced that day.

"Is there something you need Ms Hoshimachi?"

"Yeah, you remember your promise?"


"The one where you said you'll help be better friends with Sora!"

"Oh... yes I did."

"I knew it! You spent weeks with her and you didn't even remember to give a good word about me?!"

"With all due respect, I am fairly sure that she already knows your good qualities."

"Yeah, but only as a fellow streamer and idol, not as a person."

"... How long have you two been working together again?"

"Doesn't matter, look you have days off right? Why don't you, me and Sora go to the amusement park?"

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